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I felt crestfallen as Aqua led me back into my supposed home. If anything it felt more like a cage then an actual home.

"You know I half expected you to runaway with your daughter and Thaleia. But much to my surprise you came with me willingly. Why is that?"

"You and I both know that if I where even try to make a step towards Myra you would stop me with your powers. Yes I want to be there for my daughter, after all I am her mother. But as for Thaleia I'm not sure how to feel about her at the moment."

"Do you honestly think I would hurt you with my powers? I mean yeah I would have stopped you one way or another but I would never use my powers on someone I love."

I squint as I took a step towards the door. Wether it was a test or not I was about to find out. "So. You wouldn't mind if I where to leave then?"

Much to eagerly I open the door only to have it slammed in my face making me tense as I send Aqua a harsh glare.

"Can't you just accept that your mine now? I mean honestly forget about Thaleia already."

"This isn't about Thaleia it's about my daughter! I honestly could care less on what happens to Thaleia. I mean sure apart of me still cares for her but do you honestly think I would forgive her for mating someone els other then me? Come to think of it... I'm kinda being a hypocrite aren't I?"

"I'm sorry?"

"I mean I'm technically cheating on Thaleia with you so what exactly is the difference? Maybe I should forgive her..."

"What's the difference? The difference is Thaleia had a choice wether or not to mate with king tridents daughter. I hate to admit this but you however did not exactly have a choice. After all I did use my song on you."

"Your song?" Come to think of it when Thaleia and I first met she used her song on me. Not to mention she bit me. Of course Aqua bit me to but still... was I ever really in love with Thaleia to begin with? I mean I did grow to like her after spending som time with her alone but we never exactly got to know each other. As for Aqua I barley know anything about her either.

"What's wrong? You look depressed."

I glare at Aqua making her frown deeply as she caressed my cheek making me jerk away from her touch.

"Come now don't be like that. Your mine now so why don't we get to know each other a bit better. Hi I'm Aqua just like other mermaids I can control water, but my other special ability is that I can control wind as well."

Rolling my eyes in annoyance I face away from her as to try and give her the silence treatment. However that didn't work to well as I felt her sneaky hands slowly slide up my bare legs making me suck in a deep breath as I tried not to shiver.

Note to self, don't wear dresses around Aqua.

"OUCH!" Turning around I smack Aqua in the face startling her completely as I hold my neck in pain.

She looked pissed but I didn't care.

"GOD DAMN IT! WHATS WITH YOU AND THALEIA BITING ME?!" Her anger disappeared as she thought deeply about my question.

"I honestly don't know. Before I met you I would always take my anger towards my sister through sex with any female who would have me. I would always bite them at least once but you... I just don't know."

Feeling even more irritated I storm towards the door once again only to be slammed into it making me cringe.

"Your. Not. Leaving. I am queen now and you will obey me."

I dug my nails into the door as Aqua slowly entered me from behind. I felt weak and I hated it.

Why couldn't she just let me see my daughter? I only care for her and only her. Our current conversation has made me feel so confused. Was Thaleia's and I love real? Or was it just a ruse? Either or I will not have Aqua overpower me like this again.


Walking down the beach shore I couldn't help but steel glances at my mother who looked so heartbroken and confused.

"So uh... what do we do now?"


I stopped as she suddenly halted her steps completely startling me as she turned around only to shove me into the water electing panic to surge through me.

"Now we train. That fear your showing me is the main reason you can't swim, and quite possibly turn. You must learn how to dominate the water if you don't the water will dominate you."

I was confused at what she was trying to tell me.

"Tell me. Why are you afraid of the water?"

"I uh- sigh. To be honest I'm afraid of drowning."

"And why is that?"

"Well when I was smaller I remember mama sinking under water before Aqua grabbed her keeping her afloat, I've been afraid of the water ever since."

"Then what your saying is that it's my fault you can't swim."

"Huh? No no it's just that I'm afraid of drow..."

"Aria wouldn't need help keeping afloat if I had just kept my dick in place. It's because of me she didn't learn how to swim either way I plan on fixing my mistake by helping you get over your fear. And maybe just maybe I can figure out how to receive Arias forgiveness for betraying her."

"So my fear of drowning is the reason I can't turn?"

"It's possible yes."

"Then the reason you can't use your powers anymore is because your afraid of something or perhaps someone?"

"Don't be ridiculous I'm not afraid of anything, I'm the queen of the sea!"

"Ex Queen." I tense as her blue green eyes glowed out of anger making me shrink nervously.

"Enough chatter. Let's train."

"Wait. Now?"

"Yes. We train until you can turn and until I finally receive my powers again."

"Can't we do it in the morning? It's pretty late and we still have to find shelter."

"Fine. We start training at dawn."

Although I was happy my mother wasn't giving up and was even going to teach me a few tricks I was kind of nervous about this whole training thing. But if it means that I'll be able to see my mother again then so be it. I'll train harder then I have ever before!

Don't worry mama. I will return home and be by your side to make you smile once again.

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