A planed rescue?

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After the siren cooled down I could tell she felt guilty about what she did. Mostly because she wouldn't look me in the eye as I spoke to her.

"You just talked! Please say something again."

It was quite for the most part until she finally spoke making my heart melt at what she said.

"I'm sorry."


"I hurt you. That women in the white lab coat made me angry when she said you weren't mine."

I was a bit mad at her for doing what she just did but she apologized which means I should forgive her right?

"Hey, I'll forgive you if you tell me your name."

She looked at me with a disheartened look before speaking quietly.


"Well Thaleia is nice to finally meet you." She smiles weakly before looking back at the water making me frown.

"Hey, you where angry at something my mother said and acted without thinking."

"I still hurt you."

"And I still forgave you, I know that when people... or in this case sirens are angry they act without thinking, I'm just happy you're finally speaking to me."

"I understood you when you spoke to me, I just didn't know how to speak back to you. As for the other humans I could barley understand them until yesterday."

"Then how could you understand me when you couldn't understand them?"

"You are my mate, my other half. It's normal for me to understand my true love."

"So what you mean to say is that I'm your girlfriend?"

"I do not no the meaning of the word girlfriend, if you are implying that you are permanently then yes I am indeed your girlfriend."

I was a bit speechless on what Thaleia said but at least I finally have some answers.

"do you know if the people who work here has a mermaid in captivity like myself?"

" as far as I know you are the only siren they have ever came across. Why do you ask?"

"My mother was captured by humans long ago, I have been looking for her and my mate for along time now."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear about that."

Silence was all that was heard making me a bit uncomfortable as I cleared my throat once again gaining Thaleia's attention.

"So your mother is a mermaid? So what does that make you?"

"I'm a hybrid someone who is half mermaid and half siren. I come from an island called Mako that's just at the edge of what you humans call the Bermuda Triangle."

"Wait a minute! Do all those ships that have disappeared where because of your kind wasn't it?"

"The Bermuda Triangle is the most dangerous part of the ocean. Even sirens and mermaids are fearful of it, most of your people's disappearance is because of my people but not all of them."

This just made me want to know more about her and her people but there was just one more question that I needed answered. " so are you done mating me?"

She squints at me making me shrink before she stared at my stomach intently making me a bit confused.

"yes, you are currently pregnant with my child."

I could feel my face grow pale as my hand automatically touched my stomach.

"Was it your intention to get me pregnant?"

"Yes, for over a century I have been looking for you so I could start my family and return to my pod."

"How old are you? If you don't mind me asking."

"I am almost 200 years old."

I gave her a dumb struck look as she arched a perfect eyebrow at me.

"How old are you?"

"I-I just turned 15 two days ago."

"I learned from my pod that that's the perfect age to become a mother, it would seem that I claimed you just on time."

"Maybe in 1595 but this is 2018 I'm not supposed to start a family till I'm at least 23 maybe even a bit older."

"That's not what I was taught."

Rolling my eyes in annoyance I examine the water nervously before sighing heavily.

"You can't swim can you?"

"I was never taught, my mother works practically every day and when she's home she sleeps."

"You are my mate, you should learn how to swim. I can teach you if you want?"

I look towards Thaleia with a small smile on my face as she caressed my cheek once again while she placed her other hand on my stomach while she leaned in towards my lips before speaking.

"I vow to protect you and my child, even in death. I love you Aria and I would do everything in my power to make you happy. Anything you want I would gladly get for, if you wish to learn how to swim I would gladly teach you."

I smile as Thaleia presses her lips up against my own, things where just heating up but before Thaleia could even think about entering me once again she collapsed onto the ground startling me until I saw a red dart deep within her back making me scowl as I look over only to see my mother and a few of her workers take off there scuba gear.

"What did you do?!"

"Don't worry Aria, she's not dead just in a deep sleep. I'm just glad your ok. Put this on I'm taking you home."

"No! I'm not leaving Thaleia, I love her mom and she loves me!"

I was about to rant some more until I felt something prick my neck making me tense as I pull a similar red dart out making me frown as I begin to feel tired. I look up at my mom who put the black dart gun in her belt loop as she gave me an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry Aria, but you will feel a lot better once your healed and taken home."

As I fell into James arms I couldn't help but look at Thaleia's sleeping form hoping that she will be ok when I'm gone. Hopefully I could some how convince my mother to let me see her, after all Thaleia is my mate.

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