Finally home

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I finally made it home right at sunset as I dragged my weak body onto the beach. I tried to turn my tail back into human legs so that I could find Aria and be back to my normal self but for some reason I couldn't turn. My entire body was a little tanned save for the small spot of green scales that were still left on my wrist making me groan as I looked up only to see a girl who looked utterly confused, much like Aria did when I gave her that letter from her mother.


"Yes, who are you?"

Surly Aria told our daughter about me, after all I am her mother.

My thoughts where cut off as I felt my heart cramp up making me whimper as Myra continued to stare at me worriedly.

"Should I go get Queen Jade? You don't look to well."

"I need Aria, she will be able to help me. Please... go get her."

"I would but, mom told me not to interrupt them while there in there bedroom together."

I could feel my heart break more as anger consumed me.

"Who is your mother Myra?"

"I believe I've heard mom call her Aqua? I'm not sure if that is her name or not since I've always called her mom but..."

"Aqua? I'm going to kill her! She is not your mother, I am." Anger consumed me as the entire ground begin to shake as the clouds became dark.

Unfortunately I couldn't continue my anger as I took my last breath.

Aria couldn't have betrayed me.

That's just not like her.


I frown at what this strange women said as she took her last breath. She couldn't be telling the truth? After all Aqua is my mother...

"Myra what are you doing so close to the..."


I watch as my grandmother rushed towards this girl called Thaleia, who ever she was she seemed to be important to her.

"When did she arrive back Myra?!"

I tensed at her sudden anger as she tried to listen for Thaleia's heart beat.

"Just now, she said she was looking for my mom then got mad when I told her that Aqua was my mother."

"I see..."

"There was something els she said that kinda bugged me."

"Which is?"

I could tell that my grandmother was upset but I couldn't just not tell her what she said.

"She said she was my mother, is that true?"

"It is, Aqua may have claimed to be your mother but in reality she is your aunt. You see, Aqua was jealous of your mother and sought to take everything she had away from her including your mom."

I couldn't handle all this new information as I ran back to my home only to slam open the door with anger startling my so called Aunt as I saw my mom tied to the bed completely naked making me even more angrier.

"For fuck sake Myra, get out!"

"Your not my mother are you." I say with hatred as she tensed.

"We can discuss this after I'm finished with your mom, now get out."

I grit my teeth in anger as I looked at my mom with sadness who just gave me a weak reassuring smile making me sigh as I closed the door. Come to think of it my mom never smiled around Aqua, even when I was alone with her she would smile and laugh but as we hung out with Aqua her mood seemed to dampen.

I wonder why my mom never told me about my real mother? I wish I could have gotten to know her before she died.

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