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I missed Aria, my heart felt incomplete without her. Not only that but I also felt tired and weak with all the tests her mother has been doing on me. I hope Aria got my plead for help, I honestly never dreamed hop until now because I always thought it was such a useless gift but give the situation I'm in it's pretty useful now, I just hoped it worked and that I'll be able to see her soon. I wonder if this is what my mother went through when she was captured?


Getting into my moms work was the easy part. Now finding Thaleia was a whole different ball game since she wasn't In the lab room where I first met her. I noticed that the place seemed pretty deserted making my nerves get the best of me. I could call out Thaleia's name? But if someone was here then I'd be in deep shit.

Entering another empty lab room I begin to grow irritated as I called out for Thaleia just to make things a bit more easier, if there is someone here let's just hope there sleeping and not actually working.


My body felt cold as the machine I was hooked to drained more of my black blood. I honestly didn't know why they wanted so much of it but it had to be important to them to want this much of it...


Hope surged through me as I looked towards the closed metal door making me bite my bottom lip.

That couldn't be Aria could it?

"Thaleia please answer me, I have come to rescue you!"

A small smile graced my lips but unfortunately I was far to weak to call out her name so Instead I decided to sing. Aria always loved my singing.


"Thaleia! Where are you?!"

Surely she had to be close by? But this was a big building, it could take me hours just to look for her. I froze as I begin to here a strange beautiful humming song echo throughout the hallways making me feel hope once again.

That has to be Thaleia. Rushing through multiple hallways I stop just outside a large metal door that had a warning keep out sign attached to it making me roll my eyes as I scan my moms key card making the metal door slide open automatically. It didn't take me long to find Thaleia who was currently strapped down to a metal table while her blood was being drained from her own body making me frown as I rush towards her.

"Thaleia thank god I found you, you had me worried sick!"

She gave me a weak smile as she caressed my cheek making me lean into her hand that didn't really seem soft anymore, in fact it felt dry. Examining Thaleia further I noticed that she didn't look to well either making me a bit worried.

"Thaleia? Are you ok?"

"I need to get to the ocean, I have been away from it far to long."

"Don't worry Thaleia, I'll help you." She gave me a weak smile as I begin to unstrap her wrist while taking the offending IV out of her arm as I helped her sit up slowly.

I couldn't help but examine the blue hospital gown that she was currently wearing making me a bit irritated at my mother for what she has done to her. Between you and me Thaleia looked a lot better without the hospital gown.

As we made are way towards the exit I noticed Thaleia staring at my stomach intently making me a bit uncomfortable as I cleared my throat to try and gain her attention.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, I can hear our daughters heartbeat is all."

I smile as I look forward only to see a guard looking at both of us in surprise as he quickly pulled out his gun making fear consume me.

"Freeze! Don't you dare think about taking another step forward!"

I honestly didn't know what to do, my brain was telling me to run and get Thaleia to safety but my body was completely frozen.

"Hey! I said don't move!"

I look towards Thaleia as I watch her step in front of me protectively before letting out a loud screech making me cover my ears instantly as I watch the guard fly into the nearest wall before loosing conscious making me look at Thaleia with surprise.

"How did you do that?"

"I'll explain later, right now we need to go."

Nodding my head I help Thaleia out of the building and into my moms car. I could tell she was a bit hesitant to move so I decided to hold her hand in order to comfort her while I started the car. I knew exactly where the beach was, so driving there wouldn't be an issue. Looking back towards Thaleia I could tell she was beginning to feel a bit better as we got closer towards our destination. It only took us about an hour and a half to get there making me smile as I saw a small glint of excitement in Thaleia's beautiful blue green eyes. I watched Thaleia take off her hospital gown before she dove right into the water making me smile as I begin to look around the beach in hopes for a boat. But all I saw was a large motorized raft making me frown. I guess this will have to do. Tossing my bag into the large raft I push it fairly quickly into the sea before hopping in. The bigger question was how do I start it?

Looking at the motor I saw a small black button along with a string that had a handle hooked to it. Pushing the button I begin to pull on the string making the raft come to life as I begin to move forward fairly quickly much to my surprise. In all honestly it scared me so much that I immediately turned the motor off as I started to look around for Thaleia. Surely she would be close by right? Leaning over the raft I look into the dark water nervously as I called Thaleia's name.


Silence was all that I heard making my heart break a little as I leaned over the side of the raft more. She wouldn't leave me would she?

I let out a loud scream as arms wrapped around me before pulling me into the cold water as I once again begin to panic. This reminded me of my dream I had this morning. Opening my eyes underwater I am met with glowing blue green making me smile as Thaleia held me close to her making me a bit more relaxed as she caressed my cheek while pressing her soft lips up against my own. It felt strange, it was almost like Thaleia was helping me breath underwater if that made any since? As she pulled away I begin to miss her soft lips up against my own as she pressed her forehead up against mind which is when I heard it.

Her voice some how echoed through my own mind almost telepathically making me smile at what she said.

"It's ok Aria, I got you and I will never let you go... I love you Aria and you are mine."

She pressed her lips up against mine again making me more happier then I have ever been in my entire life. I couldn't help but wonder where my life would move to since I'm basically a fugitive now who is running away with a stolen siren but I would do anything for Thaleia.

Why? Because I loved her too. It doesn't matter what Mother Nature throws at us, as long as I'm with Thaleia I'll be ok.

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