The sudden storm

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I awoke feeling a tad bit sea sick as I quickly sat up remembering what happened moments ago.

"Easy now."

"Mom? What..." I tense as I feel something cold embedded into my arm making me look down only to see a tube of silver and red blood going into a blood bag making me utterly confused.

"What is this?" Teaching over I tried to take out the offending needle only to be stopped by my mother making me scowl.

"I just need a few samples hunny. Your blood is changing. Tell em what exactly happened on that island?"

Shaking my head I yank the needle out while I rush towards the edge of the boat only to find the island gone.

"Take me back! I can't leave Myra!"

"Myra? What happened with Thaleia?"

Oh right... she doesn't know.

"Myra's my daughter."


"Is she?"

"A mermaid? I don't know. She can't turn like the others can, she also can't swim but please just... take me back."

"I'm sorry. But I am not going to loose you again."

I begin to pace back and fourth trying to come up with some sort of plan. Although I was happy to see my mother after so long I wasn't about to up and leave my daughter behind. I stopped pacing as my stomach rumbled making me blush once again.

"I figured you would be hungry. Here."

Looking over I very eagerly grab the sandwich from my mothers hand sighing heavily once all of it was gone.

"Honestly did Thaleia not feed you?"

"She did. It's Aqua who didn't."


Tonight I'll try and figure out a way off this damn boat but for now I should tell my mother what all that's happened.


"So Thaleia And Myra got banished after Thaleia almost died from turning into a normal mermaid but do to her turning semi normal she lost her powers thus putting you in Aquas hands?"

"Yep. Not only that but Thaleia also mated someone else which kinda hurts knowing she betrayed me but still..."

"I guess a lot has happened since you left huh?"


More silence...

"So uh my blood is changing color? Why is that?"

"I don't know. But I have a feeling it's got something to do with that bite mark on your neck. When I took samples of Thaleia I noticed a trace of unnoticeable venom around her fangs. It was hard to spot but it indeed was venom. Is that the only bite mark you have received from Thaleia?"

"This ones not from Thaleia. That one healed a few months ago. Thaleia bit me at least three times before Aqua started marking me. And who knows how many she has left."

My mom shuffled a bit uncomfortably as she stared at my ex's posed bite mark.

"Do you mind if I do a full body examination?"

Squinting at my mother I decided to give her what she wants. I might as well play nice for now so she won't try to keep an eye on me 24'7

It felt like hours as my mom examined every inch of me.

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