Run Away

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I was floating, no not floating sinking, I was sinking to the bottom of the sea. This is it I think to myself as the ocean water started to fill my lungs.

I thought my life as I knew it was over but then I heard her. Thaleia's soft melody she sang to me the first time we met, it soothed me. Looking around the empty dark blue sea I begin to think that what I heard was just a hallucination, that is until I saw Thaleia. She looked towards me with her beautiful glowing blue green eyes as she held me into her arms protecting, me keeping from sinking further down into the mysterious deep blue see.

As she caressed my cheek I couldn't help but lean into hand as a small smile graced her perfect lips.

"Help me."

Confusion overcame me as I stared into Thaleia's glowing blue green eyes as they slowly started to turn a blood red color eliciting fear as her once smooth teeth soon turned into sharp fangs, her fingernails lengthened as well before she let me go making me panic once again as I started to sink back towards the bottom of the sea.

"Help me!"

I watched in horror as she swam towards me before biting the side of my neck hard making me sit up in my bed quickly as I sucked in the fresh air that surrounded me. Looking around my room practically drenched in sweat I begin to wonder if it was just a dream, or maybe Thaleia really did need my help? My mom wasn't hurting Thaleia was she?

Rubbing the back of my head I take my covers off only to make my way towards the bathroom so I could take a nice cold shower. Taking off my light blue polka dot pajama pants and my oversized light gray shirt I noticed something a bit shocking...


As I stared at my descent sized stomach I couldn't help but feel a bit panicked as I heard my moms rushing footsteps before she entered my bathroom with a panicked look on her face.

"What is it?! Is the baby coming already?!"

"No, but is my stomach supposed to be this big? I mean it looks like I'm at least 5 months pregnant."

"I told you before Aria that your pregnancy will be a lot different then most, mostly because a siren mated you."

"Yeah but why is my stomach growing so quickly?"

"I honestly don't know Aria, but I read in a book somewhere that siren children tend to grow a lot quicker then normal human infants."


"How are you feeling?"

"Honestly? A bit sick but I'll get over it."

I watched my mother walk towards me as she begin to examine my neck where Thaleia bit me making her sigh heavily.

"Your necks bleeding, I told you before not to turn your head to much."

I don't think me turning my head in my sleep had something to do with my neck bleeding, But there's no Arguing with her. After she cleaned up my neck she begin to examine the scratch marks Thaleia left on my back making me wince as she touched them.

It didn't hurt, but I honestly didn't like the idea of my mother touching me. Maybe it was just my pregnant hormones kicking in?



"Your not hurting Thaleia are you?"

It was quiet for a few minutes making me worry even more for Thaleia's safety.

"We are just running a few harmless tests, I need to know everything about the siren so I can help you raise your daughter."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"The less you know the better."

"Thaleia is my mate mom! If you are hurting her I have the right to know."

"All you need to know is that Thaleia is fine, end of story. Now get cleaned up and get ready for lunch."

"I swear to god mom if you hurt Thaleia..."

"She's a disgusting sea creature who has abused and raped you! Why is she so damn important to you?!"

"Because I love her!"

My head whipped to the side as my left cheek began to sting while tears threatened to escape my eyes. I couldn't believe it, my mother just hit me, she's never hit me before.

"I'm sorry Aria, but I will not have you be with a girl. Let alone a hermaphrodite."

As soon as my mother left the bathroom I let my tears fall freely down my face as I looked towards the now closed bathroom door. It has come clear to me that Thaleia's in danger and in order for her to protect me I must save her from my mother.

Taking a quick cold shower I begin to pack my bag which consisted of a few sandwiches and a few water bottles along with some chips, clothe and of course my phone and charger even though I may not need it where I'm going I would still like to have it in case I can still use it to take photos of Thaleia and I.

Later that night I decide to escape my home, my mother was asleep which means that her work must be closed. Grabbing her key card  and her car keys I start the car as I begin my journey to my mother's work.

Don't worry Thaleia, I'll see you soon enough.

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