The banishment

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It was well over an hour as I talked to Myra about where I actually came from. I told her about the tall buildings, my friends, school. Even the food their that she herself would consider strange since she ate fish and sometimes fruits.

"So your telling me that there's this place you could ride fast rides and eat sweet foods whenever you want?"

"Well. Not whenever you want maybe once a year but my friends and I would go to the carnival every time it came to town. It was honestly one of the best nights I've ever had."

"Sounds fun! Do you think I would ever go to a carnival one of these days?"

I frowned as I looked back into the ocean. "Honesty Myra. I don't think so. Your mother and I kinda left on bad terms with my own mother. It's one of the main reasons Thaleia and I fled here."

"What did she do?"

As I was about to explain the full story on how I met Myra's mother I catch site of Thaleia washing up onto the beach covered in large cuts and blood making me go into full on panic mode as I rush towards her unmoving body.

"Thaleia? Thaliea?! Please say something... anything!"


Tears threatened to spill as Myra rushed to my side looking worried.

"I guess... this is my punishment."


"The gods are p-punishing me for m-mating someone els other then y-you."

My whole world seem to shut down as I felt a small crack begin to form on my heart.

"T-Thaleia. What are you saying?" She didn't look at me.

"She's saying she cheated on you. I believe that's what your kind calls it right?"

My kind? Thaleia chested on me? But I thought she loved me? I left my home. Everything behind for her. What exactly am I supposed to do now? Should I forgive her? I mean if I had a normal life and my normal boyfriend cheated on me there's no way I would forgive him. Even still...

"Your not seriously thinking about forgiving her are you? I mean she cheated. I'm not sure where you come from Aria but here that's a serious..."

"I didn't have a choice."

"It doesn't matter if you didn't have a choice. What matters now is that Aria is mine and I am the new rightful queen of this pod."

"We never agreed to something like that!"

"Face it Thaleia. I could have killed you if I wanted to because you lost your powers. Your lucky mother decided to stop the fight before I could do so. And if you don't have any powers and your clearly not a siren anymore nor do you have a mate then it's obvious you can't protect this pod anymore."

Thaleia seemed heartbroken as her saddened blue green connected to my grey ones as I felt Aqua's gentle yet stern hand on my shoulder making me tense.

"A protector is what you need Aria. Thaleia can not do that anymore."

"But..." My heart felt heavy. Apart of me wanted to forgive her and yet apart of me didn't. I honestly didn't know what to do.

"And so it is my duty to say this. Thaleia... Myra... I hereby banish you from this pod. If I ever see the both of you here again I will kill you."

What? "But Myra's my daughter! You can't seriously!"

"Oh I am. After all your the one who basically told me Myra wasn't mine. So why should I continue to care for her well being?"

Anger surged through me as I desperately looked a Jade for help only for her to look away.

"Then it's settled."

I watch Aqua confidently hover over Myra who nervously stepped out into the water near Thaleia who still looked weak from the fight.

"You have until sunrise to leave. If you are not gone by then I will..."

"I can't swim!"

Relief flooded into me. Surly Aqua wouldn't send her into the ocean to drown would she?

"Do you think I'm stupid Myra? Your a fucking mermaid."

I watch in anger as Aqua shoves my daughter into the ocean like she meant nothing.


I watch Myra look towards Jade for help which is when I noticed something... usually when a mermaid or a siren hits water they immediately change. Sometimes anyway. I knew Both Thaleia and Aqua could decide wether or not to have legs or not.


She looked towards me for help once she realized Jade wasn't going to say anything.

"Aqua. She's my daughter. Please let her stay."

"Why would I want someone who reminds me of Thaleia to stay?"


"I can't turn!"


"I'm sorry?"

"I can't turn."

I watched in worry as Thaleia stood up weakly before slowly yet surly helping our daughter up from the water.

"Just because you can't turn doesn't mean you won't. Your just a late bloomer after all since you are part human. Not to mention your mom can't swim either."

I looked towards Aqua pleadingly as she was in deep thought.

"I know what I did was unforgivable and I hope that one day you will forgive me for what I have done but... I feel that this banishment I do deserve. I hate myself for mating someone els but you have to understand that I didn't have a choice. I mean my whole reason for going to Atlantis was to have King Trident cure me of what felt like death to me. But in order for me to have him grant my wish I had to do something for him. And do to me being a powerful siren ruler he wanted me to breed with his daughter and so I accepted. But as you can see I was to late to save my other half and in turn the gods punished me by taking my powers."

"Enough. Nothing is going to change my mind about banishing you two."

"Aqua please. If you ever want me to not hate you for what your about to do then you will let my daughter stay. She can't swim. Not to mention she's never stepped foot off this Island."

Jade- "Aqua. Maybe there is a way for Myra to stay without you having to see her. Although I'm not to pleased with the new arrangement I understand that we need someone who is  capable of protecting this pod."

"I'm listening."

Jade- "There is another Island just the opposite of here. Granted sharks reside around there but..."

"Fine. Both Thaleia and Myra are banished to the other side of the Island. But mark my words if I see or even hear of you two coming over on my side I will kill you."

"And if I want to challenge you again?"

"If you wish to challenge me again I will accept it. However I will not hold back like I was forced to this time."

I relax a bit more as I look into Thaleia's eyes while Aqua pulls me away.

Please. Protect her.

Keep Myra safe.

Thaleia and I where connected in more ways then one which is why I New she got the message. I just hope that during our time apart I will be able to somehow convince Aqua to let Myra come back.

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