A sirens mating cycle?

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I wasn't feeling all that great after the siren mated me and bit me. I mean did she really have to bite me? God I was hungry but I felt like if I even took a bite of something I would throw it all up in an instant.

I groan as I felt the siren caress my cheek while she nuzzled into my neck making me sigh heavily. In all honesty the siren was quite affectionate but she's to affectionate another thing that I found surprising was that she had a dick. I never would have expected her to have one but remembering what James said about the sirens killing the men who sailed the open sea and taking there women to mate with them made so much since now.

I tense as I feel her member about to slide inside my butt making me automatically move away as I send her a harsh glare while she gave me a confused yet hurt look making me sigh heavily.

"Look, I'm sorry but I just don't feel good and I'm hungry. So could you please just leave me alone?"

Her frown seemed to deepen making my heart ache a little as she jumped right back into the water making me sigh in relief as I tried going back to sleep.


My mate wasn't feeling well and she was hungry which means I needed to find food for my mate in hopes that it would make her feel better but much to my disappointment there was no fish in the tank.

Swimming up to the glass I start to bang on it gathering the man and women's attention as I pointed to the strange food the man was eating.

Over the past few days I have learned more and more of there language just by hearing there conversation along with Aria asking me what my name was but I can't seem to speak it quite yet even if I understood there language perfectly now.

"I think she's asking for food."

"God I'm so stupid, Aria could be starving by now. After all it's been 2 days since that creature took her."

Rolling my eyes at the term creature I watch the women in the white lab coat walk towards a black rectangular box type thing before pulling out a few food items along with two bottles of water making me smile as she wraps them up in some sort of clear bag while she stuck a pink piece of paper in it before tossing it over making me grin as I swam back towards my mate who was sleeping peacefully.

I hate to wake her up but she needed to eat.

Shaking her awake she snapped her eyes open angrily before snapping at me making me arch an eyebrow at her curiously.


Showing her the bag of food I could see a small glint form in her eyes as she yanked the bag out my hands before pulling out the strange looking food along with the piece of paper the women put in it.


I was a bit annoyed as I was once again woken up from my deep sleep only to see the siren holding up the ziplock bag to which contained a sandwich two water bottles and a few bags of chips making me excited as I yank it out of her hands before noticing a note that was no doubt from my mother.

Please tell me that you are ok and we'll, we would have sent food earlier but in all honesty I forgot. Also has the siren quit mating you yet? James has informed me that it would be to dangerous to interrupt the mating cycle between you and the siren.

Shaking my head I lay the letter down before grabbing the sandwich and splitting it in half only to hand the other half to the siren who looked a bit confused.

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