Part 2 chapter 1

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I was angry. Why? Because my mom lied to me. I mean why? I thought we told each other everything? I mean granted I was only a few weeks old but still...

She shouldn't have lied to me. So here I was leaning against the cold cave wall listening in on my grandparents talking to this other girl who has claimed to be my mother.

Jade- "It's been weeks Thaleia. Where the hell have you been?"

"You know where I've been mother."

Jade- "I know you where going to Atlantis for a few days but you've been gone for weeks Thaleia. A lot of things have happened since you've been gone. I was kinda hoping that when you returned you could fix things but it doesn't seem like you can anymore."

"What do you mean I can't fix things anymore? I'm still the queen aren't I?"

Jade- "Well given that you are not a siren anymore things have gotten a bit more complicated."

"Wait. Not a siren? What do you mean?"

Jade- "Thaleia. What exactly do you remember before you got home?"

"It's all kinda fuzzy. But I remember crawling onto the beach and... oh yeah I saw Myra. And you know what's funny? Myra didn't seem to recognize me at all. Care to explain?"

Jade- "Yes but first you should probably look at your hands."

"My hands?"


I jump at the sudden loud shriek that seemed to echo throughout the cave walls making me contemplate on wether or not I should leave.

Jade- "Calm down Thaleia."

"Calm down? Calm DOWN?! I'm fucking white mother!"

Jade- "Yes. Which brings us back to our discussion. But it would appear that we are not alone."

I tense as I reluctantly took a step back only to trip and fall making me involuntary curse.

Jade- "Come on out Myra. There's no need for you to hide."

I slowly yet surly step out of the shadows only to stare into familiar blue green eyes. The person who has claimed to be my mother smiled as I nervously shuffled on my feet.

"Your hair."


"I could have sworn it was red when I first saw you but I can see now that you have your moms looks.

"Um. My hair is more red in the sun. It's kinda like a..."

Jade- "It's a dark auburn red. Thaleia tell me. What do you plan to do about Aqua? Both of you are mermaids now which means that both of you have equal rights as rulers."

"Your... not going to kill her are you?"

"Not if you don't want me to. Although I have the urge to for what she took from me I understand that she has become an important person in your life. However I can't promise that I won't hurt her."

In some ways I felt relief. But a part of me also wants to see my mother happy. And in no way does Aqua make my mom happy but she did raise me so you could say I'm at a toss on who to root for.

"Right. I know I've been gone for a Long time but why don't we grab your mom and we all go for a swim?"

Jade- "You need rest Thaleia. You just lost your siren half, do you honestly think your in any condition to swim, let alone walk? Not to mention if Aqua sees you she will never let you anywhere near Aria."

"You don't think I know that? Honestly. Do you think that since I'm a mermaid now that I'm not capable of taking down Aqua? And besides, I think that I have the right to be able to swim with my family."

"Um. My mother... I mean Aqua. She can be a tad bit possessive of mom. Not only that but I can't swim." I felt embarrassed as my true mother looked shocked.

"Screw Aqua. Aria was mine way before Aqua decided to take her from me! I mean honestly. Do you really think Aqua is even capable of being apart of this pod? I mean she couldn't even teach you how to swim!"

"It's not that I can't swim. I mean I can't I just..." I was beginning to panic. I mean I thought Aqua was scary when angry but, Thaleia beats her there.

Jade- "Myra. Nows not the time. Why don't you go for a walk."

It wasn't a question. I knew I have angers grandmother. After all she was the one who told me never to mention it to mom or anyone els that I couldn't turn.

Feeling the fresh salty air blow around me as I leave the cave I start to wonder.

If I wasn't a mermaid or a siren. Then what am I?

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