The challenge

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Dread was all that I could feel at the moment as I got dressed. But the number one question that was currently on my mind was how? How did Myra find out that Aqua wasn't her mother?

Did Jade tell her?

"So. What should I tell her?"

"What should you tell her?"

"Yeah. You know. What should I tell Myra? I mean it's obvious my mother told her the truth."

"I don't know Aqua. I'm not the one who told you to tell Myra that you where her mother in the first place. If it where up to me Myra would know about her real mom and I wouldn't even be with yo..." my head suddenly whipped to the side as tears threatened to spill.

"Don't you ever, say your not mine. In fact say it."

"Say what?" I knew what she wanted me to say I just didn't want to. But as she roughly grasped my chin my anger soon turned to fear as her eyes stared intently into my own. I didn't want to say it. But I also didn't want to explain to Myra how a bruise suddenly appeared on my face. I mean it was embarrassing enough that she caught Aqua having her way with me.

"I'm..." my words where cut off by our bedroom door opening. I half expected to see Myra standing there but instead I saw someone I thought I would never see again. I knew it was her even though she looked completely different.

"Thaleia?" My anger and sadness I was currently feeling soon turned to happiness as I slowly started to make my way towards her just to see if she really was standing there. Unfortunately For me though Aqua stopped me.

"Thaleia? I'm surprised to see you here, and as a mermaid no less. But let's be honest you look far better now then you did before."

Anger came over me as I yanked my shoulder free of Aquas grasp I made my way towards Thaleia's side feeling more confident then ever as I gently connected our hands together.


"I'm not yours Aqua." I could tell Aqua was angry as she clenched her fists but I didn't care. I thought that I could grow to love Aqua like I have with Thaleia but that changed after she hit me.

"Just because your back Thaleia doesn't mean anything. Aria's mine. And so is Myra."

"They are not yours Aqua. I claimed Aria way before you knew she even existed. Tell me. If you met Aria before I did would you have even mated her?"

Aqua didn't say anything. It's funny because I half expected her to say yes. But as silence lingered in the air I decided to just leave with Thaleia in tow.

Only to be stopped by Aqua as she suddenly pulled me to her side possessively.

"It doesn't matter how I feel. What matters is that I love her and I won't let her go that easy. So Thaleia, I challenge you. Whoever makes the other Concede or loose conscious gets to keep Aria. I honestly could care less about Myra because your right. Myra isn't mine. But I'd be damed if I let you just come back here and take Aria away from me. I won't have it."

"Aria was mine way before you even knew she existed. However I'm not one to turn down a fight. I accept your challenge."


"It's ok Aria. Trust me."

I wanted to trust her. In fact remembering how Thaleia took down those guards at my moms work with just her voice made me want to trust her even more. But something about this arrangement didn't feel right.

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