Aqua's story

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"I know your afraid of me right now but please listen to me before you judge me."

I watched the beautiful girl before me take a deep shaky breath before nodding her head. I didn't want her to be afraid of me, but I have a pretty good reason on why I wanted my sister dead.

"It all started when we were both 5 years old, that was the age our mom disappeared."

"I remember that day well."


"Mom, can't I come with you? Mother doesn't really like me to much."

"Oh sweetie why would you think your mother doesn't love you? I know that she cares for you just as much as she does Thaleia."

"Whenever you go on your trips, mother ignores me and doesn't even feed me. Your the only one who gives me the attention and food I need."

"I'm sure she doesn't simply ignore you while I'm gone Aqua. Your just as important as Thaleia. But unfortunately you can't come with me, the sea is far to dangerous for a guppy like you to be swimming around."

I grumble as she ruffles my blonde hair.

"Don't worry, I'll be back by the time the sun hits the sky. I promise."

I smile weakly as she swims away from mako making my bottom lip tremble as she disappears into the sea.

End of flashback

"You see Aria, mother never liked me even though I didn't do anything wrong. I was left alone to fend for myself. I even almost got killed by a shark since I became weak over time do to not eating. I had to learn how to hunt at an early age and that made for a very difficult childhood for me."

"I'm sorry your mom ignored you but did you really have to try and kill Thaleia? I mean she's your sister, it's not her fault your mom ignored you."

"You don't get it. If Thaleia is out of the way then mom will have to pay more attention to me, all my life I have tried to gain her attention to which I failed at."

She was silent for along time as she walked over towards Myra who was stretching her arms out towards her.

"I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. I just wanted you to know that I had good intentions of getting rid of Thaleia but not anymore."

"Your not going to try to kill her anymore? Why?"

"Because Thaleia isn't worth my time anymore now that mom is back, I should probably thank you for that."

"No, you should thank Thaleia. She's the one who found her."

"Yes but if she didn't leave to find her mate she would have never of found her, thanks to you Thaleia found our mom."

I could tell that Aria was uncertain but it was true. Besides I really am over Thaleia now that Aria is here, she's the one I really want. 

Not Thaleia.

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