All grown up

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Mating with Lavender felt great but all good things must come to an end.

"Do you have to leave? You could always stay here with me."

"I'm sorry, but I have already found my true mate."

"To bad. You will come back to visit me won't you?"

"Of course, after all you are carrying my child." She smirked before pressing her soft lips onto my own making me smile.

"Guess I'll see you around then."

Leaving Atlantis was easy. Getting back home after King Trident gave me the antidote was the hard part.

"In order for the spell to work you must drink it at the same time your mate does, do you understand?"

"I do but why is that? Why can't I drink it now?"

"Because I know that when you return home it will become sunrise, you and your mate must drink this potion at sunrise in order for it to work."

"Well that's dumb, but I appreciate you helping me King Trident. I will be sure to let my mothers know that we have ended this war between us." He just nodded his head as I made my way out of Atlantis.

As soon as I went through the front gates my confidence evaporated as I swam close to the sea floor. God I felt so weak and tired, even my heart hurts. I needed to get home quick otherwise I fear I might not make it.


I woke up with a pounding headache as I blinked my eyes opened tiredly before screaming loudly as I saw a huge baby bump on my stomach.

I could here rushing footsteps before my bedroom door opened revealing a beautiful girl with beautiful blue eyes that matched the sea and dark brown hair that had a light red tent to it making my mouth open and close on how beautiful this girl was.

"Are you ok mom?"

I squint as she walked towards me with a worried look on her face that reminded me Of Thaleia's.

"Myra? Is that you?"

"Yep. Mother said you might not recognize me since you have been out for three days."

I was surprised that I have been asleep for so long but I didn't care, what I did care about was that Thaleia was back. I sit up slowly as I tried to stand up with great difficulty making me scowl at my large stomach.

"Easy mom, let me help you."

"Thanks sweetie, I just can't over the fact on how big you've gotten. Not to mention that your mother has finally returned." I smiled which made Myra a bit confused.

"Mothers been here the whole time."

"She has?"

"Yes, she's in the kitchen making dinner."

I rushed out of the room and into the kitchen as my heart began to pound out of excitement of seeing Thaleia again. I stopped abruptly as I saw familiar blonde hair making me frown as I get a flashback of what happened.

"See. Told you mother was here."

What? I watched as Aqua turned around completely dressed in my clothes as she sent me a soft smile.

"Well it's about time you wake up."

I was shocked, this women told Myra that she was her mother when in reality Thaleia was. And then it dawned on me.

What better way to get revenge on Thaleia then to steal her family?

I tensed as she leaned in and whispered into my ear making a chill go right down my spine.

"Your mine now Aria, Thaleia is never coming home and Myra thinks I'm her mother. You wouldn't want to make her upset when telling her that her actual mother wasn't here to see her grow up would you?"

She had a point. Thaleia may never return and seeing Myra's happy face just made my heart melt, I couldn't tell her about Thaleia. But that didn't mean I was going to let Aqua control me or my actions.

Mostly because I still had faith that Thaleia would return.

And I hope soon.

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