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Lily's P.O.V.

Today was just a normal day. You know the whole wake up go down stairs eat breakfast. Go back up stairs and get dressed. Then of course pull out my Barbies and play for a little while. Oh by the way I am nine and it's summer. After about three hours of playing Barbie my mom called me down stairs for lunch and told me to sit down at the table.

She handed me a Barbie bowl half filled with Mac and cheese. My favorite I squealed as my mom smiled. Thank you mommy!!! I said. I ate it and out my fork and bowl in the sink. I went back up to my room. My parents put a TV in my room last year. EEEEP!!! My mom said that it was nap time. So I got in a pair of sweatpants and a big tshirt. My mom put on a Barbie movie. (If you couldn't tell I really like barbies.) I laid in my bed and cuddled with my stuffed animal cow named Oreo. I got home for my 2nd birthday and I can't sleep with out him now.

When I woke up I walked down stairs and my dad was home. I yelled "DADDY!!!!!". I hugged him and he said hello and kissed me on the cheek. He said "lily we need to tell you something." I looked at him as he sat me down at the dinner table. My parents were on one side and it's on the other side. They looked at each other and syde. Then looked at me. My dad heled my hands and said "Lily I got a really good job offer in Garner North Carolina and I am going to take the offer". I looked at him took my hands back and put my face in them. My mom came over to me and picked me up and brought me up to my room. She sat me on the bed and I took my face out of my hands. I looked at my mom and said "mommy is this a joke or is it for real". my mom looked at me and said "it's not a joke".

I cried and then eventually fell asleep the next day my mom woke me up at 7:00 am. Ugh ugh and ugh. She said that I had to go to my friend Carly's house to say goodbye. I sat up and cried. My mom said that we were leaving the next day. I went to my Carly's and said goodbye. We cried together. Carly and her mom gave me a pillow with a picture of me and Carly on the case.

When I got home my dad said "Lily I have some good news. grandma is coming with us to garner". I must of had the biggest smile on my face.

We got to garner the next day at 8:35 pm. I met a nice boy named scotty and we became best friends.

End of flash back....u

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