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Lily's P.O.V.

"Lily wake up" my mom said to me in a sweet voice. I slowly opened my eyes and rubbed them. "Ryan's in the kitchen." she said. "Okay." I said as I got up and walked in the kitchen. I sat at the island next to Ryan. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Hey do you wanna know something?" Ryan asked me. I nodded. "In a few months I am coming home for a surprise visit but I'm not telling you!" he said. I looked at him and smiled. "I'm fine with you not telling me because I want it to be a surprise when you come." I said while giggling.

"You know I really love Ashley" he said out of the blue. "I know you do. I can see it in your eyes." I said to him. "I can see in your eyes that you love Scotty with all your heart" he said with a smile on his face. I blushed and I stood up and walked to the fridge. "Do you want anything?" I asked Ryan. "Can I have a sunny side up egg?" he asked. I nodded and started to cook. When I was done I handed it to him. "I am going to get dressed." I said. He nodded. I went up to my room and got dressed in leggings, my chevy t-shirt that Scotty got me a couple months ago and my pink low top converse. I put my hair in a fish tail braid.

I walked down stairs and into the kitchen. I was leaning on the counter scrolling through Instagram, snapchat, twitter and vine. All of the sudden I felt arms go around my waist. I turned around and saw Scotty. "Morning beautiful" he said in his deep voice. "Morning handsome" I said to him. "Should I go get dressed?" he asked me. "Yes you should but you know the whole shirtless thing is good too. I said to him in a jokingly voice. He shock his head and gave me a quick kiss. Then he left the kitchen. Ryan came in with Ashley on his back. "Okay Ashley go get dressed" he said to her. She nodded and walked out. Brett and Morgan came in all dressed and ready to go. Morgan came and stood by me. "Hey don't worry everything will be okay. So what if your hurt we will still have a good time before you and Scotty leave." I nodded.

Scotty walked in and rested his chin on the top of my head. I grabbed his hands and held them. Morgan smiled as Brett came in. "Hey baby girl!" Brett said in a cheery voice. Morgan have him a look like shut up. Me and Scotty giggled. Morgan gave Brett and quick kiss. "You know I'm not a morning person" Morgan said in a tired voice. "I know but I am" Brett said as he walked over to the counter and grabbed a piece of toast.

"Everybody come on we need to leave for the airport!!" My mom yelled from the front door. My dad was taking Ashley and Ryan. Then my mom was taking Brett me Morgan and Scotty. Mr and Mrs.McCreery followed behind us.


When we go to the airport we all got out of the car and brought Ryan into the airport. We all stood by the gate and talked until they were letting people go on the plane. We all stood to the side. All the guys said goodbye first.

Scotty's P.O.V.

Ryan came up to me and gave me a quick hug. "Please take care of my sister and Ashley." he whispered in my ear. I nodded. "I know Ashley will miss you but if you need anything don't hesitate to call man" I said to him. He nodded.

Lily's P.O.V.

Ryan went up to the moms then went to Morgan. Then I saw him walking over to me. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him. I cried so much. I pulled away and looked at him. "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND I WILL COME BACK!!!" He said. I nodded. "I love you too Ryan. You better come back big bro." I said while slightly giggling. He laughed. "I told Scotty to take care of you and Ashley." he whispered to me as he gave me another hug. "I think he'll take better care of us than you think." I said.

He nodded and giggled. "I know he will. If ever need anything call me no matter what time." he said. I nodded. I laid my head on his chest. "I love you best friend!"he said. "I love you too best friend" I said. He started to walk away. I ran over to Scotty and wrapped my arms around him.

Ashley and Ryan started to run towards each other. Ashley jumped and wrapped her legs around his waist. She started to cry. He turned towards me and Scotty. He was crying while Ashley was still crying on his shoulder.

Ashley's P.O.V.

I can't believe Ryan is actually leaving. I was crying onto his shoulder. He pulled away for a minute. "I will come back and I love you so much!" he said. I kissed him. We kept kissing for a couple more seconds. We both pulled away. "I want to give this to you. Open it when you get home. Okay?" he said. "Okay" I said. "I love you and I can't wait to see of you guys come anywhere near where I'll be on tour." He said. "Hopefully" I said. I gave him another kiss. "I love you and the only way that will change is that my love will grow for you while I am gone." he said. "My love will grow more for you everyday." I said. "I love you Ryan!" I said as he pulled me into another hug.

"I love you too but more." he said. "I doubt it!" I said while giggling. "Oh I don't doubt how much we love each other. I love you Ash." he said. "I love you Ry." I said. He gave me a long sweet kiss. Then he gave me a hug.

"Sir we need you to get on the plane." the woman said by the gate. Ryan nodded and turned around. He gave me a quick kiss. He ran over to Lily and gave her a quick but meaningful hug. He walked over to his and my mom and gave them both hugs. He waved and got on the plane. I ran over to Scotty he wrapped an arm around me and Lily. Me Scotty and Lily walked up to the observation area and watched as his plane took off. We sat on the bench and watched.

"Hey you guys wanna go to the mall? I can invite some people if you want." Scotty said. Me and Lily shook our heads no. "I think we just want to go home and rest. He nodded. We all walked out to the car and got in.


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