Just having fun part 1

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Lily's P.O.V.

I his my laptop in my desk drawer so Dylan didn't get it. Grabbed my bag, sleeping bag, and my phone. I ran down the stairs and said goodbye to everyone. When i walked out the door my dad pulled up. "Hey dad i am going to the lake for a camp out." i said to him. "Alright i love you and be safe" he said. "Love you too" i said. "Oh and if you ruin your truck we aren't buying another one" he said. "i know love you!" I said and got into my truck. Me and scotty decided to drive separately because i have to go pick up morgan and he has to pick up James. I pulled out of my driveway and blasted the country music. Luke Bryan's THATS MY KINDA NIGHT came on and i turned it up. It took me about 10 minutes to get to Morgans house. I pulled up and texted her.

To Morgan: come on. get your lazy but up. i am sitting in your driveway.

From Morgan: Im coming. I just have to go to the bathroom. goodness gracious.

To morgan:Fine make me wait out here and waste my gas.

From morgan: well your the one who choose your truck

To morgan: yeah yeah you dodge lover

From morgan: and i am proud

To morgan: just get your but out here

She ran out the door and put her stuff in the bed of my truck. She got in. "I think i just wasted half a tank on you" i said to her giggling. "You were out here for 5 minute calm your horses" she said while buckling up. I laughed and pulled out of her drive way and started to drive. It takes around 20 minutes to get to lake benson from her house. We started talking about embarrassing things about Scotty and Brett. "Well did you know that when Brett takes a shower he sings to the music thats playing on his phone" she said cracking up. "No way" i said laughing. "Yes way" she said. "Well did you know when me and Scotty talk on the phone at night he is the one who doesn't want to hang up and I am the phone that wants to go to bed." I said laughing. "He sounds like a teenage girl" she said. "I know" i said laughing. We both had tears from laughing streaming down our faces. We pulled up the lake and parked. I put the truck in park. Scotty pulled up in front of me and started to pull up really close. I started yelling at him and mouthing 'no'. Him and James were laughing. He stopped about an inch from the front of my truck. I git aut and grabbed my stuff out of the bed o my truck. "Hey babe" he said. I ignored him. "Dude are you stupid, shes pissed at you for coming that close to her truck" James said. I turned around. "Hey James your right!" I yelled back and kept walking. "Lily it was just a joke. Come on babe. Lily please!" Scotty yelled to me. I just kept walking with Morgan. "He actually scared me because he could have easily pushed on the gas to hard and hit my truck" I said to morgan. "Yeah i know" she said. Scotty came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waste. "Babe you know it was just a joke." he said.

"I know but you could have easily pushed on the gas to hard and hit my truck." I said. "I know babe and I'm sorry." he said. "good because there something i have been wanting to do since i left my house." i said. "And what would that be?" He asked me. "this" i said and kissed him passionately. It started get heated. It turned into a full blown make out session. He pushed my back up against Bretts truck.I dropped my bags and i grabbed his sides. "Yeah scotty!" Brett and Scotty yelled. We pulled back. We started laughing. Scotty grabbed his stuff and i did the same. We walked over to the group and started talking and stuff. Ryan and Ashley pulled up and all the guys ran over and started talking to ryan. Ashley walked over laughing and shaking her head. "Hey L" she said to me and gave me a hug. "Hey ash" i said. "I herd about the thing with your brother messaging James" she said. "Yeah its whatever and honestly even though i just got home i am glad to be out of the house" i said laughing.

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