Movie night part 2

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Scotty's P.O.V.

Brett is late so I don't have time to talk to him so I am going to tell her how I feel when everybody is either focused on the movie or sleeping. I hope she feels the same way. I should talk to her older brother before I say anything to her. I want to be respectful and talk to him and make sure it's okay if something happens. So I went to the living room were he was sitting on the couch and asked him if I could talk to him. He said "sure" and we went down to the basement.

He said "This is about Lily isn't it?". I looked at him and said "Yea and I want to tell her that I like her but I wanted to make sure that it was okay." he said to me a sweet tone "Scotty I would be more then honored to let you date my sister or tell her how you feel about her." "thank you so much Ryan." I said. "Scotty listen to me if you break her heart. I will snap you in half." He said in a very stern voice. "Ryan, I will never ever break her heart because I love her to much." I said. "I rather her be with you then a jock who's going to break her heart a month after they started dating." he said. "I always want her to have the best." I said as we got up and walked back up stairs to see that Lily was next to the window crying.

Ryan nudged me and said "She rather be comforted by you then by her big brother." I nodded and ran over to her. I saw that her phone in her hands and she had her texts open. I sat down and picked her up and set her down in my lap. I cradled her in my arms as she put her head on my shoulder. "Lily what's wrong?" I said in a concerned voice. She sniffles and lifted her head. She said "My old friend Carly from New York and her mom got in a car accident. They don't know if her mom will make it." All I could say was "oh lily I am so sorry." She said "As long as I have you I am okay." It made my heart melt.

Lily's P.O.V.

My old friend Carly got in a car accident including her mom. I am only going to visit if her or her mom dies because other wise it's not worth . I mean I feel bad but we were never so close that I would kill somebody for her. I have Scotty so I am okay. As long as I have him I will be okay. All of the sudden he says "At least tonight's movie night." I smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

Ryan's P.O.V.

I watched Scotty comfort my sister and I smiled. She kissed his cheek and I felt all weird like I didn't want her to grow up and have boyfriend. Wait, I am an idiot she's okay. She has Scotty and as far as I know he's going to ask her out tonight. All of the sudden a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me up the stairs. Then I realized I was in Ashley's room. My sister and Ashley were on the bed. My sister said "Lily really likes Scotty and you can't be over protective because then they won't date. We saw you watching them and it's not cool. Now, Did scotty talk to you?" "Yes he talked to me and I said that if he broke her heart I would snap him in half. then he said that he loved her to much to break her heart.

"Awwww that's so sweet!!!" they squealed. Ashley said "Scotty would never ever break her heart or put her in harms way." "I know I just feel like I need to protect her." I said. "Ryan we know that and that's okay but you need to give them some spaced. Okay?" Ashley said. "Okay." I said.

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