Chapter 4

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Fuck is lust. Sex is love making. Love making is a bond. Souls are attached more and more with every touch. - My mom, Sandra Clarke


Wes scooped me up effortlessly and headed to my room.

My mind is going berserk from all my frantic thoughts.

I was panicking but yet I did nothing to stop him and I could.

But I didn't want to. This sounds completely crazy but I liked Wes. I don't know if it just because I'm emotionally unstable at the moment.

He went up to my door and pushed it open. My heart was racing and my chest was heaving.

But he, on the other hand, was completely calm.

Suddenly I was on the bed. My back touched the soft but firm cotton and my heart was practically having a fit.

I looked into his soft gray eyes as he leaned over me. He was looking back into mine.

"Don't worry, Lyla. I won't do anything you don't want me to. In fact, we can stop now if you want." He whispered in my ear.

His lips brushed against my ear lobe as his warm breath tickled my skin and I shivered.

I breathed heavily. I should definitely push him off and tell him to go but yet I didn't want to. I wanted to see what he would do. Where this would lead to.

I shook my head as to say no and he gavd me the sexiest grin I've ever seen.

"I knew you wouldn't say no." He stated cockily.

I looked away, scoffing. "What are you doing?" I tried to ask again.

He stared at me, his eyes peering into my very being.

Suddenly, he leans in to me and we're so close we could kiss.

My heart had calmed down. I realise I want this.....I might even need this. He was even more handsome up close. He had tiny little freckles that you had to look carefully to see.

He smiled and softly placed his lips on mine. It was gentle and intimate, my heart fluttered.

Our lips moved in sync as he stroked my check lovingly.

He bit my lower lip to gain excess of my tongue which I gave him freely. He explored my mouth and groaned.

The sound made me tingle.

We pulled away for a breath but he attacked my neck. My neck was always the sensitive area for me.

I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips as he licked my neck painfully slowly. I gripped him tight as he suddenly palmed a breast.

His hand slowly travelled up my shirt where he pinched my already hard nipple.

I let out a soft cry.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed his assault on my breast and neck. I had began to ache down there.

"Do you like it, Lyla?"

"Oh God yes." I moaned and he suddenly got up.

I looked at him surprised and he just grinned at me. Quickly, he had his hands under my shirt, taking it off.

Instinctively, I tried to cover my breasts.

"Lyla, why are you hiding?" Wes frowned.

I looked away. "I don't know."

He came up to me and moved my hands away and stared at my pair for a good minute.

"They're so beautiful." He whispered as he touched them.

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