Chapter 10

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I'm cut and torn, broken, tattered and hurt. But I don't want medicine. Your sweet words are my injection. Your kiss is the drug and you are my medicine. - unknown


So again I awoke in terrible pain. But this time every inch of me throbbed in pain.

I wanted to cry out in agony but my throat was incredibly dry and closed up. I took shaky breaths to try and steady my self but movement made it worst.

I had to try.

I got up painfully and leaned on the bed.

I had to fight back the tears as my whole being screamed in protest.

My foot hurt the most. I looked down slowly, terrified of what I might find.

My foot was completely swollen. The glass shard was removed but now it was just a purple, sweltering wound, throbbed in pain.

I gasped, blood was still coming from it. It hurted like a bitch.

I cried.

I sat down on the bed and cried. I was in so much pain. My foot looked as if it had to be cut off. I need my foot. Both of them.

Why did this happen?

What did I do?

Was this Tyler's revenge for me going out with Wes?

My body shook with each tired sob. I looked weak and awful. I felt weak and awful.

What am I to do now?

I can't even escape now. I can't even move from the bed with this wound. How am I going to escape?

I need to fix my foot. At least clean the cut.

I took some deep breaths and prepared my self the immense pain that would follow my movement.

I had to do this.

I gripped the bed with both hands and slowly pushed my self off.

It felt as if the breath was knock out of me when a wave of pain slapped my whole body.

I swallowed my sobs.

I used the bed as a kind of crutch. I winced as I took tiny steps towards the door.

Soon I reached the end of the bed. I had nothing to hold on it until I reach the door.

I groaned, this would be painful.

I bit my lip and took that step away from the bed.

As soon as my swollen foot touched the ground on its own, my body said no.

The pain I felt almost rendered me unconscious.

A blood curdling scream escaped my dry lips as my body cried out in pain.

I fell to the floor as my body felt limp. I couldn't move.

I stayed in that position and cried so hard my shirt was soaked. Pain struck my body all over and I cried out.

I just wanted it to stop.

My vision was getting spotty and my own thoughts were jumbled. I throbbed in pain from head to toe.

What was this?

All of a sudden, the door of the room bursted open and he was standing there.

I looked to him, begging him to help me with my eyes. I couldn't utter a word.

His eyes darted over to me and my ankle. Before I could blink he was next to me, holding my foot.

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