Chapter 6

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I only went for the free booze. - some random guy.


I stared at the floor, seriously having second thoughts about this whole party thing.

If I was being honest, I hated crowds, parties, anything that required me to be social. It scared me to death.

I wasn't grown in an social environment. It was always 'keep your mouth quiet or else' and that was terrifying.

But I had already invited Wes and Gen was beside her self with glee. This is the first I've ever accepted her invitation to a party.

I hated letting her go alone but I hated the idea of a packed room even more.

And there was the problem of the dress she bought for me.

The dress was beautiful and perfect......for someone who was used to this. I was simply wasn't.

It was red and short. It had long sleeves that were made of mesh material and was off the shoulder and very form fitting with a deep cleavage. It was plain to look at but once I was in in, it took on a life of its own.

It looked great on me, for sure. But it was so far out of my comfort zone. Imagine all those people seeing me in that.

What would they whisper about me?

If I could let Wes finger me without even knowing him for more than a day, I must can wear a fucking dress.

I needed to stop being so damn insecure.

Gen suddenly slapped my arm, pulling me out of my self judgment.

"It's time to get ready Lyla. I'm dying to see you in that killer dress." She squealed happily.

I got up reluctantly and headed towards the bathroom.

"Hurry up!" She said, slapping my ass.

I gave her an angry look and walked away.

I decided on a long shower. I wanted to stall.

The shower did a lot to calm my nerves. By the time I was finished, I was actually excited to see if that dress still looked good on me.

I dried off and literally squezzed my self in the dress.

Was I fat?

After a few minutes of vigorous struggling, the dress did go on.

I walked out the bathroom and looked at it in my full length mirror.

Was that me?

The curves I hated so much looked sexy. The breasts I called too big looked exceptionally pleasing without a bra in this dress. The ass I despised for being 'too broad' made me proud.

I smiled to my self. Wes wouldn't be able to keep his hands to him self.

I quickly pulled my hair from the towel and started to blow dry it. It took a while.

After that, I just decided to let it stay as it is. Curly and wild.

I knew it was going be hot in the club so I went with no makeup. I didn't need my face to be melting in front of so many people. I did put on a little lip gloss.

I clasped my favorite gold chain around my neck and stepped back.

Suddenly I heard a gasp from behind me.

Gen was standing there looking at me in shock.

"Oh my fucking gosh. You look absolutely gorgeous. Like model gorgeous. Stunning. Just beautiful. Oh my gosh. Lyla!"

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