Chapter 15

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Did a bad thing, had a one fling, all I wanted was a one thing. He wanted everything. He's gonna get it no matter what it takes, I guess this was my mistake. - Ava


"There you are!" Gen shouted as I came through the door.

"Finally, you're here. What took you so long?" Wes added, smiling.

I grinned at them, "I got you something."

Gen sat up from her slouched position on the couch. "Food?" She asked grinning.

I sat in between them and gave them their coffee and muffins.

"Oh gosh, you know me so well. I was actually craving these. Thanks hun." Gen said, biting the muffin.

I smiled.

"Thanks alot Ly." Wes said, kissing my forehead softly.

I blushed and nodded.

To my surprise, he was blushing too. He quickly looked away.

Well then....


After a full day of shopping, reminiscing and a lot of eating, I was bone tired.

Gen had insisted that we go out on a girl's day.

We went to every store known to man. Then went to every food court known to man. Then we went over every memory known to us. I know for a fact Moloch was exhausted.

It was the best! I felt like I ran a 110 mile race, but it was worth it.

After our girl's day was over, Gen reluctantly went back to her home to get rest for the work day tomorrow.

I, on the other hand, had only one option. Sleep.

It was the best thing I've heard all day.

Moloch fell asleep as soon as he pulled up to my house. I smiled and dragged my self inside.

It was one of those times where I wasn't tired because I worked too hard. I was tired because I had too much fun and I loved it.

I was about to climb the stairs to my room when I spotted a handsome looking Wes staring at me from the kitchen.

I grinned at him lazily and he came over to me. We went back to the couch and sat down.

He had been over to my place alot, hardly letting me out of his sight. I didn't mind at all. I loved his company.

After all, I was ready to give this man my all at one point.

He opened his arms and I gladly cuddled his chest.

I snuggled closer to him, "Hey." I murmured in the cloth of his tight shirt.

He smiled, "Hi." He replied.

I ran my hands against his hard six pack absent mindly. I heard him groan, "Don't do that, Ly."

I laughed, "Why?" I asked, still doing it.

"You don't know how sexy those little actions are when you do it." He answered softly.

I blushed and stopped. Then I realized, all this time I've been hugging him, kissing him on the cheeks, rubbing down his body, I was just turning him on.

I was probably giving him the go ahead without even knowing it!


I quickly shot up out of his warm grasp.

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