Chapter 24

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And in the last days, good and evil will have a war.


"Azrael, will you stop." I whined.

He grinned, "No."

He licked my stomach again, making me squirm under him.

"But I'm ticklish!" I screamed as he blew in my stomach.

He laughed with me, "I love seeing my flower smile." He said lovingly.

I blushed, he was so sweet for a demon.

He kissed my cheeks, "I love you."

"Aww, I love you too."

He laughed and went back to my belly.

"P-please Azrael! It t-tickles!" I laughed as he blew harder.

I pushed him off me and ran off the bed, laughing like crazy.

Azrael was right behind me though.

I ran for the door but my short legs failed me.

He caught me just as I was about to hold the door knob.


He grabbed my waist and pinned me against the wall.

I bit my lips as I saw him look at them.

"Stop doing that Lyla. It's so damn sexy." He murmured in my ear.

I shivered as he licked my neck. Oh god....

He kissed my neck and butterflies erupted my stomach.

He gently moved against my lips, sparks flying.

He sucked on my lip and slid his tongue inside my mouth.

He tasted like coffee as usual.

His hands gripped me tighter and I pulled him closer.

I tugged at his hair and he groaned.

I smiled, I love his reactions. The sounds he makes just makes me want to do things.

"Wanna go another round Flower?" He asked on my lips.

"Oh fuck no!" I said and pushed him off.

Last time I agreed to that shit, I had to stay in bed all day. My legs felt like jelly and my womb felt like it shifted from its original spot, if that's even possible!

"Go away with your monster penis!" I screamed as he came for me again.

He kissed my neck, "No." He said stubbornly.


"Please what?" He demanded, his hand trailing on my stomach. He pulled on the waist band of my panties and my stomach clenched in excitement.

I wanted to. God knows I wanted to but I was spent.

"Please daddy." I moaned in his ears.

He let me go and kissed my forehead, grinning.

Suddenly there was a loud crash downstairs.

My head whipped around to look at the door. Azrael looked more confused than scared.

"Stay." He told me sternly.

I nodded and watched as he went downstairs.

Would I really let him go down stairs alone? What if there was a man with a gun?

Can demons die? I didn't want to find out.

I yanked open the door and run down the stairs two at a time.

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