Chapter 19

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Life is one of the biggest decisions you'll ever make. - Someone.


Gen paced the room uncomfortably, as I sat on my couch and watched her anxiously.

When I left Azrael, my first thought was to get Gen. But I had delayed the whole confrontation.

This was such a delicate situation.

I was scared.

So...I called her over much later after I had actually arrived.

She would know how to calm me down.

Now I was rethinking that decision. From I told her what had happened, she haven't stopped pacing.

She would stop for a few seconds to stare at me then go back to pacing.

"Gen, stop. Please." I whispered after a while.

She stopped and looked at me worriedly.

"I'm worried, Lyla. You're the mate of a demon. A fucking demon! The literal son of the devil." She yelled.

I looked away, that was very frightening.

"What should I do?" I asked her softly.

She sat beside me and ran her hand through her red curls. "I really don't know." She answered.

"I mean, you can't hide. That much is obvious. You can't refuse him or you die. That's even more obvious."

"He wouldn't kill me, Gen. THAT much is obvious." I said, suddenly irritated.

"How are you so sure?!" She screamed.

"Because he wouldn't!"

There was silence.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "I'm just so confused and unbelievably stressed."

"If that's your only problem then talk to him." Gen stated simply. She was suddenly calm.

I looked at her as if she was crazy, "What?! Are you crazy?!"

She shrugged, "I thought you were afraid of being his mate. Of being in the presence of a literal demon.'re just confused. Does him being a demon even bother you or it's the mate part? The most obvious solution to clearing this up, is listening to the man. You don't even know what mate means to them."

I looked away. She was right. If I had given him the chance to say his piece, maybe I wouldn't be here.

"That's madness." I sighed, defeated.

She took my hand, "It wouldn't hurt to talk to him. Or just hear him out. You did promise to think it over before you reacted." She reasoned.

I looked down. I broke that promise. I wasn't thinking at all when I stormed out of his place.

But, could I be wronged? That was a difficult thing to hear.

I looked from her piercing gaze.

"He's an actual demon Gen. The ones we read about in books and heard about in church. A demon. I'm fated to be with a demon forever." I countered heatedly.

Why was I the only one bothered by this?

"But just a few days ago you were willing to spend a lifetime with that demon." She said, matter a factly.

"There was a difference, he wasn’t the son of Satan." I gritted out.

"He was! You just didn't know!" She shouted, frustrated.

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