Chapter 25

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What we do for love, the possibilities are endless. ~Ava


I looked at my mate through tears.

My dead mate.

I let out a strangled cry. My screams echoed the room and I felt I was drowning in the sad sound.

I buried my head in her cold neck and held her lifeless hand. The sparks were gone. She was gone, forever.

Her lovely scent was replaced by the metallic stench of blood.

My salty tears mixed with her blood as I cried in her neck.

I felt broken. I was incomplete.

The sudden anger ran through my veins, a new found power rushed through me.

I turned to Silver. It was her fault. I lost my mate because of this bitch.

She was smiling. I was gonna tear it off her ugly face.

"She's not here to take you away from me anymore, now is she?" She sneered.


Did she just say that?

I ran to her, and grabbed her neck. I squeezed until I felt her jerking in my grasp, then I let go. She fell limply to ground with a loud thud.

I grabbed her hand and tore it right off. I heard her flesh tear and her bone crack under the pressure. Her screams were like music to my ears.

Blood rushed from her and I couldn't be happier.

I used my claws and slashed her throat. Then I ripped her head off her body

I watched as her jerking body slumped on the floor, while blood squirt from her slashed neck.

She wasn't smiling now.....

I took the gun and emptied the clip on her.

I grinned. Pay back is a bitch. I threw her head next her body.

I tore off her other limps. And threw them aside.

All that was left a bloody torso.

Perfect. Exactly what she deserved.

I turned and ran back to Lyla and lifted up her bridal style.

She looked pained. She looked sad. She looked......dead.

There was no way in hell I was going to let her go so easily.

I saw Moloch outside.

"Call Father." I told him simply. I didn't care what he was doing here.

I told him to deal with Silver....I made sure WE dealt with her before all this. I'm still surprised as to why she is still here.

She was supposed to be dead.

I'll ask about this huge slip up later.

He scrambled for his phone and quickly dialed the number.

"Yes, Sir. This is Scar. Your son wishes to speak to you."

Scar handed me the phone.


"Father, I want her back." I interupted.

"I don't have the power to bring back the dead. That's God's job and we're not exactly friends at the moment." Father said.

"I don't care! There must be something I can do!" I shouted.

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