Chapter 22

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Surprises seem to love me. ~Azrael


I looked over my cup of coffee and saw Lyla was still drawing.

She looked completely focus as she carefully colored her art.

I smiled at how beautiful she looked all the time. It was truly amazing how she managed to do this everyday.

Her brown hair fell across her arms as she worked, her exotic blue eyes lit up as she scanned the page.

I would be content if I could spend all my days just watching her like this. She was really interesting.

I never felt like this. I never felt happiness before. It was a wonderful feeling to catch your self smiling because you had the most perfect person in the world to call your own.

My whole body felt alive and it was great.

She was just so breathtaking.

"What are you looking at?" She asked, looking at me.

I laughed, "You." I answered simply.

She blushed, a beautiful pink tint covering her brown cheeks, and looked down.

She looked down at her hands nervously.

I laughed again and got up. How is it possibly that she gets even more adorable each time?

I walked to her, "May I see?" I asked curiously.

She quickly shook her head, "No. It's not finished yet." She answered, quickly covering the paper.

I nodded and moved to walk away.

She grabbed my hand and got up, standing before me.

I looked down at her tiny form, she was so small compared to the other women I saw.

I fucking loved it.

I kissed her forehead and she grinned.

"Are you hungry, Azrael?" She asked.

"Hungry for you, yes." I groaned. It was such a turn on when she called my name.

She looked at her feet and bit her lip. "Stop playing around." She said softly.

I held her waist and pulled her close, looking into her eyes.

I always got lost in those eyes and I loved it.

I held her chin up and slowly went down. I loved kissing those lips.

Those red, plump, sweet lips.

They felt so soft against mine as they moved.

I bit her lip and she moaned. That sound always made me hard. I willed my demon to calm down. It was getting hard not to just rip her clothes off and spend the whole pleasuring her.

Her tongue swiped against mine and I gripped her waist harder. Damn.

She pushed her self against me and I was so close to the edge.

I pulled away. I had to control my self. She wasn't ready for this. We didn't even talk about it yet.

I put my forehead on hers and sighed heavily.

She panted softly, still holding my waist.

"Do you have any idea how badly I want to make you scream my name right now, Flower?"

I saw her tensed, her grip on me tightened.

What did you do?

I held her, "Please don't take it that way. I didn't mean anything by-"

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