Chapter 16

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I'll pack everything and just leave because, isn't that what you wanted? -Unknown


I snuggled closer to the warm, hard but comfortable thing that held me.

I sighed happily.

Wait, where am I?

I jump out of my sleep so sudden, my vision was a bit blurry for a few seconds.

My eyes worked slowly to adjust to the light. But when they did, everything looks normal.

I'm in my couch, there's a blanket over me and a man looking down at me.

Perfectly norm-

Wait what?! A man looking down at me?!

I looked up and quickly back away.

I sighed a heavy sigh of relief as I realize that its only Moloch, my driver.

I'll call him my driver because body guard seems a bit too much.

"Oh, Moloch, you scared me." I breathed.

He laughed, "I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to do that."

I sat up and rubbed my still sleeping eyes.

"What were you doing here though?" I asked, now realizing the compromising position we were in.

"The door was unlocked, you were all alone and an unlocked house. Was I suppose to leave you here unprotected and vulnerable?" He asked.

I looked down. He was right.

"Thank you." I said softly.

He only nodded and got up.

When he was about to leave I called to him. He turned around.

"I made up my mind." I stated.

He nodded, "What is it?"

"I'll be ready in three hours." I said softly.

"Good." He said with a wide smile.

I smiled back.

My decisionwas made.......


"But Lyla this is completely stupid! How could you leave when you JUST came back?!" Gen screamed at me.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Gen you're over reacting." I say simply.

I hear Wes grunt and I look his way but he looks at the ground.

After I had packed and everything, I had called two best friends over to talk about my decision.

It wasn't going as smoothly as I had hoped.

Gen was actually taking it exactly how I expected. Like mad woman.

But Wes wouldn't even look me in the eye.

It would have been better if he was yelling at me too. I would take that any day over this awful silent treatment.

It hurted, really.

But I deserved it and I get that.

"I'm over reacting?! Me not wanting my best friend to leave me again is over reacting?!" She screams.

I couldn't help but smile at that.

"Look, Gen, I love you more than the air I breathe but you gotta understand, I can't stay here." I said smiling.

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