Chapter 11

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Love is like a bed of roses. It's beautiful and lovely and rare. But to pick a rose, one must overcome all the thorns. Every stratch and cut is worth the beautiful sight. - Ava


Lyla was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. No object, human or creature could be compared to her beauty.

And it was strange.

She had came in dirty and bloody from the previous night. There's nothing beautiful about dirty blood.

But she...

She made it look so effortless. She made the word 'beautiful' an understatement.

I could image how even more beautiful she will look after she cleaned up.

Thinking about that, I should kill that insolent fool that fucked her up like that.

How do you get a person's face wrong?

The intended person wasn't even a human.

She looked nothing like my Lyla.

I paused.

Did I just say, my Lyla?

As good as it felt to actually call her that, I knew I was over thinking things.

She doesn't even trust me.

My heart clenched as her words echoed back into my head.

She wanted to escape.

I completely understand why she would want to leave. Look at the circumstances that she arrived here in.

It was awful.

Unacceptable really.

I would deal with Micheal my self.

I looked the pictures Moloch was able to get on this short notice.

I smiled as I saw her, smiling back at me from the page.

She had the wildest head of hair I've ever seen. Even the barbarian girls don't have it this bad.

But the strangest part of it was, it was one of her most prominently beautiful features on her.

Then those blue eyes. I know it's a bit rare to have blue eyes for a black person. Which proved to me how special she really is.

They were the softest color of blue, warm and inviting but also calming. They looked even more adorable when she widen them in surprise.

Her nose was....oddly straight.

Her lips, God damn, those lips. Just the thought of kissing was enough to send me over the edge.

The pink shade on her plump lips made her look even more sultry.

Her brown skin was so exotic and smooth like butter.

To say I was infatuated by her would simply not do.

I am obsessed.

I know it had only been one night since she's been here but there is something about this human that seem to pull me in by the reigns.

It came as a pleasant surprise.

Could she really be my....

No! It's too soon to think that. I can't get my hopes up for a woman who thinks I'm her captor.


I didn't look up. Lyla eyes are so captivating.

"Yes." I answered bluntly.

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