Chapter 5

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The best way to get over someone is to eat ice cream and chocolate. Forget the bastard by having fun. Show him you got options too. And know that you are always enough. - Gen


"Girl, shut up! He did not!" Gen shouted from the bathroom. Her head popped out the door as she gave me the look.

I laughed, "Yup. It was so much better than Tyler. The man had a way with his hands and mouth. Ugh, Genna. It was kind blowing really." I told her truthfully.

She furrowed her perfectly arched brows. Even in the early morn, she looked like a super model. "Wow."

I nodded my head, "Exactly what I said."

"So, are you over Tyler?" she asked stepping out of the bathroom, wiping her hands on her ripped jeans. She make those look like what royalty would wear and they were the oldest pair she had.

"I can't get over a 12 year relationship in 2 weeks, Gen. I wish I could but he had my whole heart." I answered, looking at my phone.

She gave me a sympathetic look, "I know."

I had told her about the little sex session me and Wes had a few minutes ago.

"I can't believe that you hooked up with Wes. That's so unlike the good girl I know. Wow girl, you're my new role model." She gushed.

"Will you shut up!" I laughed.

I moved around my room trying to find something to do.

Gen sat down painting her nails a bright pink colour. I could never do it as perfectly as she does.

Gen was a really beautiful person. She had flaming red curly hair that touched her slender shoulders, seductive, gray eyes, long lashes, a long straight nose and naturally pink lips.

She was a tall and slender with lovely curves. She really looked like model.

"So I know it might be too soon but, there's a party tomorrow night and really think it would do you some good if you came with me." She suddenly asks out of the blue.

I looked at her and she looked at me with puppy eyes. Usually I don't go to parties. I hated crowds and the whole idea of it scared me a bit.

But maybe that was the problem. I'm so afraid of stepping into the unknown that I've been stuck in a rut for my whole life. I had committed my self to one basic thing my whole life and I don't know anything out of that protective bubble and for a newly single 23 year old...that was bad.

I looked up, "Sure. I don't have anything better to do." I answered nonchalantly.

She stared at me in shock for a minute. "The shy girl is actually accepting an invite to a party?" She asked, faking her shock. She can be so extra sometimes.

I laughed, "Listen, the only reason I never went to these parties because I was with Tyler. And you know this."

"And since now you don't have a boyfriend, you're free?" Gen finished.

I nodded.

She gave me a knowing smile.

"Its gonna be at The Lock In. You know that club down town that only celebrities can get into? Yeah that one. Its an all night event of course. The theme is bold and flashy."

"So like how street workers would dress." I summed up.

She laughed, "Yeah, pretty much. I did a lot sweet talking to finally get us in and trust me, its worth it. So you made the right choice."

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