Chapter 17

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New life, new friends, new me.... - Unknown


I paced the room restlessly as I thought about her.

Lyla was coming here. To me.

I smiled. I liked the sound of that.

She shouldn't have left in the first place. Couldn't she had called her friends.

I groaned. That was impractical really. That wasn't even an option.

Sharp knocks on my door brought me back from my thoughts.

It was Micheal.

"Boss, I heard Lyla was coming back. Any truth to that?" He asked slowly.

I nodded.


My head snapped up, and I gave him a death glare.

He was even lucky to be alive and here he was, testing me.

He cleared his throat nervously, "I mean, why did it take so long?" He said, looking away.

I stared at him, "How is that any of your concern?" I growled, my demon was just begging to be released.

Micheal stepped back, "Its n-not of course. I-I'm gonna j-just go." He stuttered, then stumbled out.

I groaned in annoyance. I was anxious about Lyla's arrival and now this disfigured demon was pushing my patience.

Her reluctance was because the traumatic experience she had with him.

It was his fault.

I ran my hand through my hair in frustration.

Suddenly, I was really missing her. My heart ached for her return.

Grow some balls, man. You're looking whipped.

I rolled my eyes at his insult. Not that it mattered. I was actually ok with that.

Lyla was special. I was a bit hesitant about it before but her absence made it painfully clear.

I knew exactly what she was to me and I was going to let her know.

Then, I smelt it.

Roses and rich chocolate.

She was here.

I raced out of my office and sprinted to the front door at an ungodly speed.

I reached there in seconds.

This was ridiculous. There was no need to be acting like love sick school boy.

Compose your self Azrael.

I took in some deep breaths and exhaled slowly.

I could hear her heartbeat as she walked up the steps.

I could hear my own beating in anticipation.

I was nervous.

"I don't know Moloch. I miss them already. Was this the right decision?" I heard Lyla say before Moloch cut her off.

He laughed, "Stop over thinking, Lyla. This can work. I'm pretty sure it will." He assured her.

"But I can never be too sure can I?" She whispered.

Moloch groaned, "You're making me nervous now, Lyla. It will be alright. Just go."

I heard her sigh heavily as she pushed the door open.

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