Chapter 12

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I hate when reality kicks in. It just reminds you of how hurt you are and how many scars you got for trying too hard. It just smashes my imaginary world of happiness. - Bela


Yesterday was a blur. A scary, unreal blur.

Azrael had healed me, with kisses. Then he somehow read my mind. Then he said his name is Azrael Dagon. Dagon is the name of one of the fallen angels. Then he hugged my waist in the afternoon which felt so good all my qualms disappeared.

I don't understand what the hell is going on.

How is it physically possible for us to exchange electricity like that?

How did he know I called him otherworldly?


I need to get out of here. I know he said he wouldn't hurt me and I, for some reason, wholeheartedly believe that, but I need to leave.

Things just keep getting weird.

These things don't have logical explanations and I will be caught dead before I believe Azrael is really the devil.

Either way, my life was in New York. I had my friends there. My job. My home.

I couldn't stay here forever.

But.....why did a small part of me want to stay?

I didn't even know where I am. How would I even escape?

What if I'm in another country all together?

Oh no.

I sat in down in the bed.

I need to think this through.

I can't just leave here without knowing how to leave.

We could be in the middle of nowhere.

Come to think of it...when I was outside, I really didn't see any other buildings.

It was only a long driveway surrounded by forest.

I groaned.

How could I even escape now?


Its been two days since I arrived here.

Since then, I haven't been able to formulate a proper escape plan.

For some reason, I felt drawn to Azrael.

It felt so strange.

I didn't even know this man.

Everything about him was strange.

This..... man could be a murderer. A cannibalistic creep.

I needed to think logically. Even if there was an attraction here, as weird as it is, I need get home.

But, somehow this felt like home.

I shook my head.


Wes and Gen are probably worried sick about me. Gen is most likely blaming her self for this whole ordeal.

I can't stay here.

Why do I need to convince my self? This is what I should want.

I should want to go home.

I blinked back the tears as I stared at my shaking hands.

What's wrong with me?

I've been telling my self all the ways this is bad. And yet here I am, still considering staying.

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