Chapter 7

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I hated close places. I hated being around people. I hated parties. I hated everything. But then I was locked in with you. Now I love everything because you are my everything. - unknown.


"Oh my God." I breathed.

The lights had cleared out and it was like a firework of colourful dim lights.

The place was huge, the white house kind of huge.

I grabbed Wes' hand to stable my self. A barrage of people were packed into the place and there was cool air coming from every corner of the room.

It was from a selection of A/C but I couldn't exactly see where they were.

The club it self was set up as a bar. There were long tables on each wall with a bar area behind each and stools for the patrons.

The middle of the place was a big platform where a bunch of people were dancing and drinking.

There was an upstairs that seem very exclusive. Big comfy sofas were everywhere and even a king sized bed was situated in a corner. A stripper pole was infront of each sofa and a stripper on each. Male patrons sat and watched them with expensive drinks in their hands.

Away from that, was a DJ booth. A young man was playing songs like his life depended on it.

At the moment, a song I didn't know was playing.

The whole place it self was beyond impressive. I now knew why it was so hard to get in. It was exclusive. 

"Guys, this is so freaking awesome!!!" I heard Gen scream at us over the music.

Wes and I nodded, "Yeah! I'm so glad you asked me to come!" He shouted back.

Gen mumbled a few things saying she wanted some water then go dance so we headed for the cocktail lounge.

It was like the bar but you had seats and tables next to the bartender and you could see what he was doing.

I sat Gen down and called to the man, "Bartender!" I called. The guy turned quickly and instantly gave me a cute smile.

He was quite good looking. He was a brown thick guy with huge muscles. He could kill me with one hand.

"Hey sweet face! What can I get ya?" he asked, expertly throwing a shot in a glass.

"Some water please." I asked anxiously. He was looking at me like his last meal.

I hated that.

"Water? For a hot babe like you?" he said, raising his eyebrows.

"Umm, no it's for my friend. She had too much to drink." I told him quickly.

He smirked, "I know the feeling. I'll get her the water but how 'bout you? Want anything?"

I thought about it. I never really drank anything other than rum and soda. I knew other liquor was bitter and too strong. I hated that.

"Make something special for me." I answered unsure. I didn't want to look like an amateur. Not in a place like this.

He laughed, "I like that. One specialty coming up!"

He turned, gave me the water then turned back, doing a bunch of flips and twirls with the rum bottle.

Gen drank her water and was instantly back to normal. It was like she took a pep pill.

She shot up up brushed her self off, running her hands through her pony tail.

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