Chapter 20

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Old love will always reunite. -Ava


I paced the living room, waiting anxiously for his arrival. I was surprised to find my self more excited than afraid as I had previously been.

I liked the change in attitude.

This would encourage a positive atmosphere when Azrael arrived.

It's only been 10 minutes since I ended the call with him but it felt like forever.

I checked the time for the hundredth time.

Then suddenly, the door bell rang.

I froze, my heart beating so fast, it felt like it was going to beat out my chest.


This is what I was waiting so impatiently for.

I ruffled my hair and mentally prepared my self for this meeting.

This would eventually lead to something good or bad.

I was so impatient for him to get here but now that he was here, I was so damn nervous.

It made no sense.

I went to the door and opened it slowly and my breath hitched.

I don't remember him being do damn sexy.

I just stared as he stepped in and stood inside.

He turned to me, his eyes locking with mine.

I closed the door and stepped closer.

For a moment all we did was stare at each other.

I took in all this features. He wore a white tee and a black leather jacket, black jeans and white sneakers.

His hair was a little wet, maybe from a quick shower, but sexy nonetheless.

And his face. Oh lord.

I would take a few years to memorize each any feature.

His golden eyes bore through me as he took me in.

Suddenly, he took my arm, pulled me in and hugged me tight. One hand held my head to his chest and the other held my waist.

I wrapped my hands around his big waist. I took in his scent of wood and vanilla. I will forever love his smell.

His head rested in my hair, "Flower." He whispered. His voice was so soothing. I hummed a response

"I've missed you." He sighed.

I teared up. "So did I." I whispered back.

"I can hear your heartbeat, Lyla. Please don't cry." he said softly.

He pulled away, and looked down at me, pulling up my chin.

"Don't." He said, more firmly.

I choked on a sob, trying my hardest not to cry, "I broke the promise, Azrael. I broke the promise because I'm a damn coward. Nothing has changed. You're still the man I met a few weeks ago. I'm pathetic and just plain sad."

"Stop it! Forget about the damn promise. I don't even care about it." He yelled suddenly.

I flinched.


He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes, his golden orbs showed so much emotion.

"You are so beautiful, Lyla. I couldn't ask for a better mate. You are strong, wonderful and perfect in every way. Do you hear me? You are the best mate a man, or in this case, a demon, could ask for." He whispered softly.

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