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I held my enormous stomach and smiled at Azrael.

He grinned at me and kissed my forehead. Butterflies erupted my stomach along with those delicious sparks.

It's been a whole year since my death and resurrection.

It was a long year.

I had to deal with the fact that I died and was brought back to life by a demon that was sleeping inside of me.

The one that belonged to Azrael. The one that ripped Silver limb from limb. Literally.

Moloch filled me in on all the grim details as soon as I was allowed visitors.

I had two weeks rest period where I was given strick instructions to just recover fully.

Sometimes, I would feel a little twinge of power surge through me. I could hear people's whispers as if they were shouting in my ears. I could hear heartbeats and pulses. Almost everything that Azreal could do.

Sometimes there this urge to feel the whole power. To see what exactly this demon can do but I always suppress that urge.

I've seen what it can do when it's in control.

Azrael on the other has been such a blessing. He never leaves my side and he never complains. I know that he misses his demon. Sometimes he even asks about Luciano.

I can't give him much because Luciano doesn't talk to me. I barely even notice his presence on most days.

Azrael has been so understanding and caring.

From the moment I woke up till now.

The first thing I saw when I did wake up was my wedding ring, sitting lazily in a velvet box.

Azrael was so happy and overwhelmed that he couldn't get his speech to come out right.

So, I said yes before he finish.

Our first kiss after that was long and passionate, I cried afterwards.

I had missed him so much. I could see he was torn up about my death. He blamed himself.

I made sure to reassure him all the time that it wasn't his fault.

When I first saw what he did to my house, I was shocked. He had completely changed the whole area. It was much bigger than before with a lot of added spaces and appliances.

Apparently, he built it for our growing family.

Since my death, Azrael had a problem with leaving me. He would stick to me like glue if it was possible.

Even at our wedding.  While I was getting dressed, this mad man burst into the room.

"I can't lose you again, Flower." He had told me.

Again I reassure him that I wasn't going anywhere. Not if I could help it.

He waited until I was dressed and we both walked out hand in hand to the alter.

As much as Gen and Wes protested, he wouldn't have it.

Gen was my maid of honor and Wes and Moloch were best men.

Gen and Wes are now an item after months of denying the obvious attraction between them both.

Now they can't keep their hands off each other.

I totally ship the happy couple.

Now I was 5 months pregnant. And married to the man of my dreams.

I couldn't be happier. We couldn't be happier.

Azrael pulled at my hand and I looked up at him, pulled from my memory.

"How is my favourite person?" He asked sweetly.

I smiled, "Just fine." I answered. I stood on tip toes and kissed him.

He held me close, "You nearly broke the promise, Flower." He remarked sadly.

I looked down, "Yeah, I nearly did."

He kissed my nose, "But of course I wouldn't let you." He said grinning.

I hugged him. "Of course you wouldn't."

I felt safe in his warm, big embrace.

I was safe.

Our baby was safe.

Even though, he was only human now. I knew we were safe. And we would always be safe.

"I love you." I whispered.

"Forever." He said.

I smiled, "And always."

I looked towards the rose garden, and a satisfied smile graced my lips, this much I knew was true.

We deserved this happy ending.

Thank you so much reading. I appreciate it. I hoped you enjoyed.

Chubbyalejandra 💖

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