Chapter 13

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I'm gonna dance on broken glass, yeah on broken glass and I'm gonna make that ceiling crash, yeah that ceiling crash. -Rachel Platten


I was sleeping. It was peaceful.

Then suddenly I felt hands wrapping around me, squeezing me hard.

I heard a squeal and I knew exactly who it was.

"Gen!" I screamed, hugging her back.

"Oh God, Ly! You're alive! Oh I'm so happy!!" She shouted in my ear.

She pulled me away and looked me over. When she was satisfied, she pulled me in again.

I was back home. In my house. In my room. In my bed.

It felt good but....

"You don't know how glad I am to see you're alive, Lyla. You had us all worried." She whispered.

I knew she was crying.

I swallowed hard and blinked back my own tears.

"How are you, Ly? Did they hurt you? Tell me so I can kill them all." She cried out.

I laughed through my tears, "I'm perfectly fine now, Gen. And no one hurt me. There's no need for you to go on a murder spree." I answered.

She laughed and hugged me again. "I'm just so happy that you're back and safe with us again. You don't know how much Wes has been worried about you." She said softly.

My eyes widen, "Oh my gosh. My poor Wes. Where is the handsome guy?" I asked suddenly.

"I called him, he's on his way over. He was so relived when I told him that you were here." Gen said, grinning.

"Wait, how do you know that I was here?" I asked confused. I didn't tell anyone I was home.

"Your driver. How did you get a driver by the way?" She answered, a bit suspicious.

I smiled, "Its such a long story." I told her.

She climbed on top of me and sat down beside of me, "Well I have all the time in the world. Start talking."

I laughed and told her the whole story.


"That sounds like a Wattpad fantasy." Gen commented after I was finished telling what happened.

"Wattpad fantasy?" I questioned, "Is that even an actual thing?"

She laughed.

"It doesn't matter as long as you live to tell the tale." Wes added.

He had came in after I told Gen about Azrael. She didn't make the connection between the names so I didn't bring it up.

Wes held me in his arms for what seemed like hours.

I had missed his touch. His warm embrace was so smoothing.

He stared at me, making sure I was really there. Unarmed and well.

When he was certain was in fact, real, he whispered how much he missed me and how awful he felt about the whole situation.

I made sure to reassure him that, none of this was he fault. It wasn't any of our fault.

"Haha, Wes." I said sarcastically.

He and Gen bursted out laughing. I joined soon after.

They looked so happy. I was happy. I was glad to be back.

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