Chapter 23

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And where there is trouble, there is Sliver.


"Gen, I'm telling you, when he gripped my neck and went deeper, I saw God, all his angels and heaven." I whispered. I shivered from the sexy memory.

Gen laughed, "Girl, you're acting as if you never had that with Tyler."

I grabbed the phone and put it to my ear, getting up from the bed.

"No, I did not." I said seriously.

There was silence, "Really?" Gen asked, shocked.

I hummed a response.

"But he had a good size." She countered.

I rolled my eyes, "He had the right tools, he just didn't know how to use them." I told her simply.

Gen bursted out laughing, "Damn!"

I laughed too, "Yes." I stalked to the bathroom and put the phone on speaker.

I stripped and turned on the shower.

"So tell me more." Gen said excitedly.

My stomach clenched as I described the activities of this morning to her.

The way his lips showered kisses on my body, the way I shivered when he touched me, the way I floated when I finally came.

I stood under the shower and waited until the feeling of lust went by. My vagina was pulsing.

"I wanna see God and all his angels too." Gen whined in the phone.

I laughed, "Then go get a demon." I joked.

"You know, that isn't a bad idea. Does he have a brother or good looking friend?" She asked seriously.

I stared at the phone in horror.

What the hell?

"Gen, I think you need you some sleep."

I wrapped up in a towel and walked out the bathroom.

I went through my closet and picked out a pair of black jeans and a gray shirt.

"How big is he?" She suddenly asked.

I was appalled by the question but answered anyway.

"11 inches." I said softly as I pulled up the jeans.

"What the fuck, Lyla?! And you took all of it?" Gen screamed.

"He's downstairs, Gen!" I hissed.

There was silence.

"How much did you take?" She asked softly.

"I don't know. Half maybe a bit more than that? I was enjoying it too much to realise."

I heard her sigh, "Lyla, that was so heroic. I'm proud." She said somberly.

I laughed, "You're so dramatic Gen." I said as I pulled up my jeans.

I pulled my hair into a messy bun  but some strands fell out in my face.

I'm too lazy to fix that.

I sat on the bed, "I'm not."  She whined.

I laughed. "Yeah, right."

My phone vibrated.

Incoming call from Husband😍😘😋 ❣️ flashed across the screen.

"Gen I'll call you back in a minute." I said.

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