Chapter 21

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It was always a war for you. - unknown.


I didn't realise I was asleep until I woke up.

I was bit confused as to why I was in my bed, tucked in.

We were on the couch the last time I remembered. We were talking and that's all I can recall. I suppose I fell asleep then.


Where was Azrael?

He had stayed over last night. We both agreed that, it was best.

We needed to spend as much time as possible getting to know each other.

It was only right.

Last night was wonderful. I sank into my bed sheets with a smile as I remembered what we did.

I wanted to take the time to know more about his demon life and the whole mate thing. But he insisted that we talked about that another day.

Azrael took the time to shower me with sweet compliments and affirmations.

We stayed up until 3 or 4, talking about me. As much as I wanted to learn about him, he wasn't having it.

He wanted to know everything. So....I told him.

It was priceless. I wouldn't have traded the time we spent last night, for anything.

It only made me want to love him more.

I wasn't sure when I fell asleep but I did. The last time I had check, it was some time after 3 am.

I rolled over and looked at the clock. It was 10:57 am.

Thank God, I didn't have to work. I could sleep in with Azrael.

It was at that time that I realized, he was cooking.

The smell of eggs and sausage hit me and I sighed in contentment.

Good looks and he can cook, it's a win win.

I stretched a bit and decided to get out of bed and help him or maybe just stare at him while he cooked for me.

So, I rolled out the sheet and made my way to the bathroom.

I quickly brushed my teeth washed my face and headed to the kitchen.

I was on the last few steps of the stairs when I heard Azrael's velvety voice.

"But if you come here now, you'll cause controversy, Sliver!" He whisper yelled.

Who is Sliver?

I furrowed my brows and stopped dead in my tracks.

Was that another woman?

"Look, I know I'm well over due a visit from you, but Lyla-" he got cut off.

A visit from another woman? What was he talking about?

"Yes, Silver. I know about our marriage. I know it is in a few days. Father informed me of it this morning." He answered.

What fucking marriage?!

"Silver, I know I have a commitment to you. I know. Just calm down will you?"

I clenched my hands in tight fists and tried to contain my anger.

He was getting married, to another girl and yet, he was kissing me and telling how much he loves me just last night.

Hell no!

There is no way I was going to let another man hurt me again. I wasn't going to talk this one out.

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