Chapter 14

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You say you love me. I say you're crazy. We're nothing more than friends. - Ann Marie


I woke up the next morning feeling blissful.

I was well rested and I felt great.

I mean, I was back home with my friends and I got a 2 week break from work to get my self mentally ready for work and life in general.

What could be better?

Having him next to me.

I sighed.

That would actually be better. But that wasn't going to happen.

I made my choice. There is no reason for me to be doubting my self. It was pathetic really.

I was already caught up in getting my life back to normal. I don't have time to be regretting anything.

But that being said, no matter how abusy I was, I was still thinking about him.

He invaded my thoughts whenever the opportunity came up.

His scent was stuck in my mind. It was weird. It was crazy.

I groaned softly and carefully got out of bed, as to not wake Gen.

They had decided to sleepover. Not for the fun of it but for peace of mind.

If you can be kidnapped once, it can happen again. Gen had told me.

I grinned, she was always so worried about me.

Wes really just wanted any excuse to be close to me. He was sleeping on the couch which he wasn't so happy about.

I smiled as I remembered his childish arguing last night when we told him the arrangements.

He pouted and tried to make an argument about how it would be best if he slept with me.

In the end, of course he got the couch.

I tip toed out the room and went to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth, took a quick shower and changed into running clothes.

I pulled up my Nike running shorts and tied my unruly hair into a high puff.

I fixed my sports bra and got my phone, ear phones and some cash.

I went down to the kitchen and wrote a little note to them, so they wouldn't get too worried.

I'm out running, be back soon. Took the driver with me so don't be worried. Xoxo, Ly.

I gave Wes a soft kiss on his forehead and silently opened my front door and slipped out.

He was too adorable.

"Good morning, Moloch." I greeted the driver.

He was leaning against the car when he turned swiftly.

His gaze immediately fell on me. His eyes scanned my whole outfit.

I knew he wasn't attracted to me but his heavy gaze still made me uncomfortable.

I squirmed.

"Oh no, I'm sorry, Miss Lyla. Its just that you seem so....under dressed." He said.

I looked down, "I'm going running. I have to wear these or I'll sweat even more. It's not a good look."

He grunted, "Where are you running?" He asked, sweeping his eyes over me again.

"I'm not sure. I'll be heading in that direction. But the actual destination is unclear right now." I answered, pointing up the street.

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