Chapter Thirty Seven: Terrible Fathers, Worst Date

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{A/N} Pleaseeee remind my ass again on why the fuck I have 5 events to handle while also trying to keep up my GPA. I kinda want to die.

Anyways, this chapter was supposed to be quite long but I had to cut it. So, expect the next coming soon~



Vladimir Laskov puffed a cloud of smoke on the air, letting it dancing around in the cold night of Autumn. He had a mundane day until he called his only child, Hunter, after his many dinners after a long day of work.

"I'm not going. I just got home." His son grunted, he heard a door lock turned.

Vladimir rolled his eyes. "Well, still, do you want to see him?" The cold stabbing his cheeks as he sucked in the smoke from his cigar.

"I should've killed him for touching her." Hunter wasn't going, or even planning to go.

"Then? What's the point for me here?" Vladimir started to get annoyed. "Walt wants to see you!"

"But I don't want to see him!" Hunter hissed. During the many days of them working, a phone call for Hunter emerged from the MDC. Wallace requested to see him. Hunter, of course, passed the phone to Vladimir to talk. "Papa," Hunter sighed on the phone. "Can you go see him, see what he wants?"

"No." Vladimir flicked his cigar on the road and stepped on it.

"Please, papa, please?" He sounded like a child asking for candy. "I'm literally in front of my house now."

Vladimir lifted his eyebrow. "So?"

"Haru's inside." Hunter said.

"So what?"

"Luca finally recovers yesterday," He said. "I'd been sleeping at your house for three nights. I missed her."

Vladimir rolled his eyes. "Oh, course you do." Ugh, young love. His boy became soft whenever he was with Haru. Vladimir couldn't blame him, he was exactly like his son when he was with Pynita. "You should ask anyone but me."

"It's 9. Visiting hours end at 10. And you're the closest one from the MDC." Hunter stated.

"You don't need to remind me. I know where the prison is."

"Thanks, papa." His son sounded relieved at Vladimir's lack of argument. He probably was smiling too. "Love you." Hunter said, and at that Vladimir scoffed. He turned off his phone and signaled his driver who was still eating inside the diner to start the car.

The night was somehow too cold for his liking.


It was 15 minutes left before visiting hours ended. The prison guard gave Vladimir a cup of coffee he requested. The room he sat in was small and squared, and were entirely painted silver or were steel. The coldness was terrible that Vladimir shuddered even when he wore his thick coat. Wallace sat opposite of him and he was ruined. He didn't shave or even bother to shower. His eyes anywhere but at Vladimir.

Hunter should be here. At least if not punching him, he could laugh how disoriented Wallace looked.

"I told you not to come back." Vladimir said.

"I ran out." Wallace said.

"Then you shouldn't have strangled you child, moron." He said politely and took a sip of coffee. It tasted like sewer water. Cheap.

"She spat on me." His eyebrows rose and took another sip of coffee. Vladimir swallowed most it and spat what was left on Wallace, he flinched as the stain landed on his orange shirt. "Do you want to strangle me? I just spat on you."

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