Chapter 8- Angie

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I am helping clean up part of the mess from the explosion when someone comes running through one of the cleared out pathways that have been made. She stops next to me, and I see that she's worried about something. I instantly know it's Raven. They must have just found her.

“We found the girl from your unit, Nick wants all of you over there immediately.”

I follow her back through the rubble and down a flight of stairs. We slide down over a pile of bricks and into the dimly lit hall. Dust clouds air and we hurry through, choking on the thick air. Through the dim light, I see a group of shadows crowded around something in the ground. I near cautiously, not sure I want to see who it is.

Raven is lying on her back, torn clothes caked in dust. She looks up at me and smiles painfully; I rush over, the small crowd parting to allow me through. I kneel at her side, taking her hand in mine. Her eyes close and I stay by her side until Dan arrives, finally tearing my eyes away from Raven. I'm trying to hold them back, but the tears slip out of my eyes. I'm trying to be strong, but I can't bear to loose someone else. We just completed our unit, and loosing someone will tear us apart.

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