Chapter 24- Raven

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"Raven! Wake up."

Someone is shaking my shoulder, voice low and panicked.

"Don't touch her, move back."

The hand leaves my shoulder, just in time to avoid my blade. I sit up quickly, knife held comfortably in my hand.

"We need to leave. Now."

"Did you find them?"

"We think so. Not everyone is going, just a few groups. Are you feeling okay to go?"

"Yes. Yes, of course I'm fine."

"Take this..."

Elizabeth hands me a bag, pulling to my feet.

"...and put this on."

I take a new mask from her, slipping it on quickly.

"Is everything clipped on okay?"


"Let me check it."

She checks the straps and buttons, telling me to inhale while she covers the filter. The mask is sucked against my face, airtight and ready to use.

"Good. Let me tie your hair back for you."

Elizabeth motions for me to turn around, quickly braiding my hair down my back. She clips new gas canisters at my hip, checking and double checking the clips before letting go.

"These ones start five seconds after the pin is pulled, use them carefully. Load up on your weapons, only what you need."

I kneel, digging through my bag until I find my set of hunting knives. Before I stand, I grab Jackson's gun and clip the holster at my hip.

"Eat something before we leave, I'm not sure when or if we are returning here."

Angie hands me an apple, grabbing one for herself as well. We eat quickly in silence, watching the other small groups pack up.

"Lets go, go tell the others to group up."

We spread out, telling everyone to do the same and meet back up with Elizabeth. Ten minutes later, we are receiving assignments and positions. I end up in a group with Elizabeth, Angie, and two other girls. Each group has up to seven girls in it, though most have even numbers for pair making.

"Lets head out, stay with your groups. Each leader has an extra communications device that is connected to someone back here. Nicole is helping me run operations, so she will be helping with the control here at base camp. Get in, do your shit, and get your asses out of there. Minimal casualties on our side, special operations groups will be working from the inside to help us."

The groups scatter, slipping away into the darkness and cover of the trees.

"Stay close, keep your positions, and stay low. We have one of the most dangerous parts of this operation, stay alert and be ready to scrap the plan."

The walk there is slow going, especially as we need to be quiet.

"Almost there. All groups, check in for the go ahead before heading in."

We crouch down in the bushes, waiting for our check in. It comes in over our earpieces suddenly, each of us responding quickly.

"Team eleven, start whenever you are ready. Good luck."

Elizabeth checks everyones masks over one more time, there is no guarantee the gas used will be target specific.

"Pair off, you know where you are heading. Go now, dont die. And, if we are lucky, I will see you all again at base camp."

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