Chapter 26- Raven

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Angie is my partner, running beside me and into one of the open sets of warehouse doors. She pulls me down as someone walks into the room, sliding back into the shadows as a pair of guards start leading prisoners through and into the compound. We each recognize a few people, wincing when Jacksons group stumbles through the room. Evan has a strong grip on his arm, jerking him around. Jackson trips, hitting the ground hard. He doesnt get back up, groaning loudly and curling up in a ball.

"Get up!"

One of the guards kicks him in the side, laughing when Jackson screams. Angie wraps her arms around me, pinning me to her chest.

"Not yet. Be patient."

"They are going to kill him."


Jackson forces himself onto his knees, spitting blood onto the floor before he manages to stand up, using the support of a stack of storage boxes.

"Walk, now."

Evan jams the butt of his gun between Jacksons shoulder blades, forcing him forward and through a smaller set of doors. Angie doesn't let me go for another five minutes, waiting for me to relax before she backs off.


"No. Not yet."

Someone else walks through the room, slowly walking through the stacks. Angie dives between a set of storage crates, body barely fitting in the narrow space. I am pulled up by the back of my coat, Jackson's gun pulled from my hip and held against my temple.

"How many of you are there?"

"Just me."

I raise my head a tad higher, standing a bit straighter. My body is tensed, ready to attack or defend as needed. My captor doesn't notice my hand slowly dipping to reach one of my blades, a new guard then.

"Let me go, now."

"What is your business back here?"

"Evan sent me back to check the weapons, he recieved word of a break in. Leave me now, and I will finish."

"Why is your mask on? And a rebel mask at that."

He presses the gun harder against my head, suddenly spinning me around and slamming my back into the wall. Angie winces, but stays silent. I pull my blade free, quickly stabbing it into his stomach. He reacts slowly, a shocked expression spreading over his face. I twist the blade flat, jerking it the rest of the way through his flesh. He coughs up blood, falling to the ground when I yank my knife free. Angie slides out of the stack, helping me drag the dying guard to a better hiding spot.

"Are you okay?"

I nod, slipping Jackson's gun back at my hip. Angie watches me clean my knife, running the fabric of my shirt across it to clear the blood off. A sudden pain tears through my head, making me fall to my knees.

"What's wrong? Raven?"

"I'm fine, give it a minite."

She waits patiently by my side, watching helplessly as I struggle. It passes, as it always does, but leaves me feeling drained.

"What was that?"



"His life."

"Does it always hurt?"

"Only if I kill the person. Jackson and I do it occasionally, visit old memories."

"Oh. Are you okay now?"

"I'm fine. We need to keep going."

Angie helps me stand, flinching when something comes flying out of the shadows behind me. I hit the ground fast, kicking Angies legs out from under her. We roll in opposite directions, ducking behind the storage crates as a round of shots is fired at us. I stand slowly, hands above my head, and step out.

"Dont shoot. Please. I...I need help."

The man stops shooting, stepping closer to me.

"What kind of help?"

"I...I'm hurt."

He looks me over, taking in the blood that covers my face and hands.

"Sit down, ill grab you something."

The minute he turns his back on me, I spring up and drive my blade into the base of his neck. He yells, trying to throw me off.

"Never turn your back. Too bad you'll be dead before you can practice."

I thrust the knife the rest of the way through his neck, twisting it before pulling it free. The memories flood in, making me drop the knife.

"Stop killing them, it should help."

"They deserve to die. All of them."

"Our job is to get in, get our own, and get out."

"Special mission."

"Is this where we part ways again?"


"Dont die."

"Same to you."

We set off in opposite directions after my head clears up, wiping blood from my weapons as I follow the designated route to a meeting spot with Elizabeth.

"Youre early."

"As are you."

"Fair point."

"What the plan?"

She pulls me into a side room and starts explaining things, clipping my mask back on before leaving.

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