Chapter 30- Raven

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The truck hits another hole, jolting me awake. I'm covered in a thin layer of sweat, nightmares making my heart pound.


"What's wrong sweetheart?"

"I umm..."

"Its okay, come lie down with me."

I scoot closer to him, being carefully drawn against his side.

"What is it this time?"

"Same as usual."

Jackson hugs me tightly, kissing my forehead.

"Its alright. I'm still here."

I nod, pressing my face into his coat.

"Are you cold? Youre shaking."

"I'm fine. Just dont leave. Please."

"Shhh. I'm staying right here."

Jackson pulls me tighter against his side, whispering softly in my ear. I am fighting back tears, trying to stay calm.

"Raven, look at me."

I look up, looking him straight in the eyes.

"Its okay. Try to go back to sleep."

Jackson grabs a blanket, covering us up with it before he goes back to sleep. I sit up suddenly, feeling Jackson's arms leave my waist and wrap instead around my arms.

"Raven, calm down. Relax. Please, Raven no!"

Everyone stops moving, staring at me. I look down, realizing there is blood on my clothes.


He doesn't move either, but slowly lets go of me.

"Raven, put it down."

"Jax...what's going on?"

I realize I'm holding one of my knives, blood dripping down my arms and stomach.

"Give it to me."

Jackson reaches out slowly, shrinking back when I raise the blade into a defensive position.

"Calm down Raven."

Someone to my right shifts, making me jump and press myself against the wall of the truck.

"Stop moving, youre going to make it worse."

I drop the blade, letting Jackson inspect the damage I have done to myself this time.

"Lie down. What the hell happened? You cant keep doing this to yourself Raven, I cant loose you."

Everyone slowly lies back down, but Jackson takes my weapons away this time before making me lie down as well. I lie awake, listening to Jackson talk softly to me. We fall asleep eventually, me curled against his side contently. Angie wakes everyone up the next morning, opening the back doors of the truck to let us out. Everyone files out, stretching stiff limbs and walking around in the knee high grass. There is a collection of tiny cottages, all from before the war.

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