Chapter 9- Dan

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Angie is on the ground next to Raven when I run around the corner. She looks up at me, tears running down her face. I drop down next to her and see why she's crying. Raven is lying still on the ground. Her dusty skin is pale and she's barely breathing. My eyes travel along her body, slowly taking in how battered she is. Her face is covered in deep purple bruises and a deep cut runs along her forehead. Jackson comes dashing around the corner next, med kit in hand.

    He drops the bag on the ground and calmly kneels by her side. Angie stands, walking to stand beside me. Jackson checks on Raven and suddenly picks her up, yelling for someone to help him find a room for her. The crowd dissolves almost as soon as they leave, everyone going back to their business.

    Angie and I walk away, following close behind Jackson to see what happens to Raven. The door shuts, keeping us out of the room. Jackson emerges shortly after, Raven leaning heavily against him. He takes her to a room down the hall and sets her down gently on the small bed that's in the room. He grabs a few things, stuffing them in a grey backpack, and walks out. He heads for the exterior doors, apparently going out.

He leaves his coat on the bed, across Raven’s shoulders. Now that she's cleaned up better, I can see the full extent of her injuries. There is a bandage wrapped around her midsection, and I can now see how bad the bruising is. It looks like someone tried to strangle her, her neck is covered in deep bruises. Angie’s eyes are tearing up again and I lead her out of the room, looking for someone to explain what's happening. By now we all know it was Jackson's brother who did this, but no one will tell us who caused the explosion or the flood of rebel forces who came to our aid.

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