Chapter 25- Jackson

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"Get up, we're leaving. Now."

Someone kicks my stomach, just below where I was shot. I grit my teeth, trying to avoid screaming. A low groan passes my lips as I sit up, carefully dragging myself to my feet.

"Hands behind you."

A new guard is standing in front of me, someone I instantly realize is out of place. Her hands are shaking as she threads a rope around my wrists, leaning in a tad too close to my ear.

"Take off your mask, they dont wear them unless there's an attack. Pull your hair into a tight bun. Don't be so kind to the prisoners."

"Why are you helping me?"

"I know who sent you, tell her everything is okay. No new casualties. How many of you did she send?"


"We need to go, listen to them. Shove me and yell at me to hurry up, then walk away. Dont talk to them, try to stay out of the way. You shouldnt be here. None of you. Do what I told you to, and be careful."

She nods, pulling her mask off before yelling at me. I manage to trip over a root when she pushes me, catching myself on a tree. Evan walks over, pushing me against the tree.

"Let me see it."

"Fuck off."

He lifts my shirt anyways, shifting the bandages enough to see the damage.

"Not infected yet, surprisingly. I plan to let that happen, a fun way to kill you. As for our dear sister, something worse will suffice."

Evan steps back, letting my shirt drop back into place. Its cold out, and someone stole my coat. Raven has my good coat, so it was one of my older ones that was taken. A transport truck pulls up, someone opens the back doors and starts shoving people inside. One of Elizabeth's girls ends up on guard for my corner of the truck, pulling me against the wall as more people are loaded.


"Who are you?"

"Elizabeths brother."

She makes a move to walk away, looking almost scared.

"Not that one. I'm her other brother, Jackson. Evan is the one to watch out for."

The girl steps back towards me, leaning over slightly to hear me talk.

"Take off your mask. Tie your hair up. Don't show kindness to the prisoners. Tell the other five over your comunications piece."

"Who did you talk to?"

"One of the other girls."


"I'm not sure."


"Just do it, please."

"Okay. Thank you."

She starts moving, unclipping her mask and pulling her hair back. I lean against the wall of the truck as it starts moving, realizing there are nore people than we started with at camp. This is going to change whatever Elizabeth has planned.

"Tell Elizabeth about the extras."

"We already did. No changes to the plan. Once everything starts, you need to get the ropes cut and run. Find a gun, anything to defend yourself. The area is heavily guarded, we may need to do a complete take over of the compound. Be prepared. Take this."

I tip my head when she asks, feeling the communications piece as she slips it on me.

"Dont loose it. You may be able to reach her, you can try. Thats an extra, my team still has all of ours."

She leaves after this, inching her way back to her post.

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