Chapter 19- Jackson

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  I am struggling to suppress my irritation with Elizabeth, her coming back like this. Raven looks scared, a touch tired.

"She isnt doing as well as she should, I also admit I have no idea what I'm doing. But now that you're back, I dont see why you cant help her instead of sitting here yelling at us."

She sighs, turning away from me. Raven's breathing still hasn't evened out after about ten minutes. I force her to lie down while Elizabeth searches for the proper medications in the bags. Not excpecting her to lie her head against me, I jump when she makes contact. Her skin is hot again, a reminder that she is far from healed. I'm not sure what Elizabeth intends to do, how we are going to draw the poison from her body.

"What are we going to do Jackson?"

"I dont know sweetheart, Elizabeth has the experience with this. You where hit pretty hard again, and your body wasn't ready for the shock."

She presses closer to me again, trembling. I run my fingers through her hair absent mindedly, not sure who I am trying to comfort most right now. My sister returns a few minutes later, still worried.

"Let her get some rest Jackson. She needs it before we try anything."

I press my hand against her cheek, looking into her eyes as she holds her hand on mine.

"I'm not leaving."

"She needs rest. You need to leave."

Raven grabs my hand, the tension prominent in her grip.

"You need her to be relaxed for this Elizabeth. Let me stay."

She walks away, allowing us to be alone again. I trace my finger along the base of her neck, feeling her relax against me. I'm fighting to stay awake, listening to her uneven breathing. She shifts her position against me, pressing closer as I wrap my arms around her. It has gotten colder, much colder. We haven't gotten into the heart of winter yet, there is still plenty of time for the waters to freeze over. Elizabeth comes back, shaking me awake and tossing a blanket over us.

"How is she sleeping?"

"She's fine. Her fever has gotten worse though. Whatever you plan to do, you need to do it fast."

I wrap the blanket around us, hoping to trap enough body heat to keep her warm.

"It's not going to be easy Jackson, not by far. She will probably be in a lot of pain and you can't give her anything for it. If we are too late, she will die anyways. I don't know if you are ready for that."

"I'm not, which is why we aren't going to let her die. She can make it."

My voice cracks at the end, we both know how weak she is. Raven's eyes flutter open as Elizabeth gently wakes her, looking confused. I loosen my arms from around her, allowing her room to move. She sits up, but doesn't move from my side, instead grabbing onto my arm again. I don't let her go, both of us trembling. Elizabeth pulls a box from her coat pocket, an apologetic look on her face. I recognize the box type, an injection set. Raven holds my hand tighter in hers, probably trying not to freak out. Her eyes widen as Elizabeth grabs her arm, pulling up her sleeve. 

     "Try to relax your arm Raven."

     Elizabeth looks expectantly at me, knowing I can help her. She pushes the needle into Ravens arm, pulling back as soon as she is done. 

     "Jackson, you need to leave now."

     Reluctantly, I walk away, leaving Raven with my sister. I return hours later, unable to handle the yelling I can hear. 

     "How is she doing?"

     Elizabeth pulls me away, not allowing me to see Raven.

     "She has been throwing up for the past hour or so, that's good. It'll help flush her system faster."

     "What was all the yelling about?"

     She pauses before responding, choosing her words carefully.

    "I already told you, we can't give her anything for the pain. Its getting worse, but that means the medicine is working."

     I am finally allowed to go to her, wholly unprepared for what I see. She is curled in a ball on the ground, cursing under her breath. Tears are streaming down her face, sweat gleaming on her forehead. I kneel by her side, placing my hand on her shoulder. She is shaking badly, skin too pale. 

     "Make it stop Jackson. Please."

     I don't respond, knowing nothing I do will help.

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