Chapter 23- Jackson

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I sit up painfully, opening my eyes to see a pressing darkness.

"Sir, hes awake."

Someone clicks on a torch, shining it at me. I realize I am mostly alone, and definately in pain. My stomach hurts badly, bullet wound based on the pain levels.

"Hello brother."


He is always one for mocking formality, drawing things out to the point of almost boredom.

"I had our dear sister here only a few days ago, how is she now?"

I need to focus on what he is saying, stay calm.


"How I wish we could all say the same about you brother."

Evan kneels by my side, cutting the ropes loose from around my ankles and wrists.

"Where are they hiding now?"

"I dont know what you are talking about."

"We have a chip in some of her girls as well as your team, I'm sure it wouldn't take too long to find them."

"We took the chips out."

"You forgot about sister dear."

"Raven will have taken it out by now."

"Your girlfriend? She was shot."

"She isn't dead. She can't be."

"I fired the bullet myself."

"Fuck you."

He stands again, walking away.

"Shouldnt we tie him up again sir?"

"No. He knows he'll die if he tries to leave us. Besides, he needs to be well rested for our trip tomorrow."

I lean back against a tree, carefully lifting my shirt to reveal bloodstained bandages wrapped around my midsection. Evan wrapped these, he never had the heart to actualy finish me off. Neither does Elizabeth. They are the only reason I'm still alive at this point, surprisingly them leaving me for dead has kept me alive. Someone scoots over, reaching out shaking hands to give me a med kit.

"Thank you."

"The girl died."

"Which one?"

"The one that you carried. She died."

"And the one with the knives?"

"Grazed by a bullet. Alive. Hit with the gas attack though."

"Any idea where we are going?"

"The next trading port."


"I heard Elizabeths girls are infiltrating one soon, when the new shipment comes in."

"Thats us, right?"

"Hello smartness."

She shakes her head, turning away when a guard comes within ear shot.

"Stay low. Don't draw attention to yourself."

"Im Evans brother. I have too much attention already."

"Jackson? Elizabeth's brother?"

"The one and only."

"We need to get you back."

"I'm injured, we'll have to wait for the trade to get out."

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