Chapter 27- Jackson

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"Get up!"

Evan kicks me in the side again, making me fall. I struggle up, I need to stay on my feet or as close to it as I can be. To be on the ground means death, I cant let him kill me yet.

"Stand up!"

I push myself to my knees, lacking the strength to rise to my feet. Evan shoves me into the wall, raising a blade to my neck.

"Call them off or I will have her killed!"

"You don't have either of them!"

He laughs, motioning for someone to come into the room.

"I meant her mother. Call off the attack or she dies now."

"I cant call it off!"

"Then who is in control?"

"I didnt know about this!"

Evan lets me go, stepping back and handing one of his guards his gun.

"On your knees!"

He forces the woman down, hand gripping her shoulder tightly.

"On the count of three, shoot her."

I cant move, Evan has someone else drag me to my feet.


She looks directly at me, eyes wide with fear.


I can't stop this."


"Call it off brother."

"I cant."

"Then I'm sure you know what happens next."

"Don't kill her!"

"Kill her? Don't be stupid, she is of more value to me alive."

"Stop it!"

"Time is up."

A gunshot rings out and she pitches forward, hands catching her fall.

"Let me go! I need to help her!"

"Leave them alone to get situated. We'll be back within the hour to see what you have decided brother dear."

Even leaves, locking the door behind him.

"Are you okay? Let me see it."

"Is she alive? Is my daughter alive?"

"Yes. Raven...Raven is alive."

"Who are you?"

"A friend. Let me help you, please."

"What...what do I...need to do?"

"Sit here, let me move you to the wall."

She nods, biting her lip and wrapping her arms around me so I can pick her up. My side is on fire, but I am able to work through the pain enough to get her across the room.

"Lean against the wall, how badly were you hit?"

"Feels like it tore off a bit of the flesh on my leg, nothing fatal."

I look down, realizing her hands are already slick with blood.

"Does it hurt?"

"I can't feel it."

"Cant feel what? Your leg or the injury itself?"

"My leg below the knee."

"Did he inject you with anything before bringing you in here?"

"I...I don't think so."

I grab my jacket, statting to tear off strips of cloth for makeshift bandages.

"Let me know if you feel anything."


She looks down, clearly in shock when I roll up the leg of her pants.

" it that bad?"

"I'm not sure I have everything to deal with it. The bullet is still in your leg and I dont have a knife."


"Calm down, its going to be okay."

"Is Raven okay?"

"Yes. Raven is okay, she's coming to get us right now."

"She is?"

"She isnt supposed to be, but I know she'll find a way in anyways."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Jackson, Ravens...boyfriend."

"I'm Samantha, her mother."

"Okay. Let me know if you feel any of this."

I start cleaning the area around the wound, trying to find the bullet. It is, as we thought originally, still burried in her flesh.

"Its that bad?"


"Your face, my husband is the same way. Will we be able to fix it when we get out of here?"

"I...I'm not sure. I dont know, I'm sorry."

The door opens again, Evan walks in with a few guards. He dismisses them a few minutes later, locking the door behind them.

"Still alive I see."

"What do you want?"

"For you to call off our sisters attacks."

"Our sisters attacks, not mine."

"I'm going to get a water tank set up for you two. She is going to get in. If you dont call it off within the hour, she will drown."


Evan grabs Samantha by her hair, dragging her backwards and out the door. Someone drags me out as well, pulling me out the door and down the hall.

"Get in."

"No...please no."

Evan pushes her over the edge, slamming the lid shut. I am thrown down on the other side of the glass to watch her drown.

"I cant call it off!"

"You will find a way I'm sure, dont you always? Ill see if I can get word to our dear sister about the situation and see what she can do about it. Start the timer."

He shackles me to the floor, chains too short to allow me access to the water tank.

"Have fun brother."

Evan leaves, chuckling softly as the door closes behind him. Samantha is standing up as much as she can, wayching in horror as the water starts bubbling up from the floor below her.

"Help me! Please!"

"I can't! There's nothing I can do, I'm sorry."

I find myself struggling against the chains anyways, rubbing my wrists raw in an attempt to pull my hands loose.

"Stay calm, I'm trying to get over there."

She is pressed into a corner, breathing too fast.

"Try to calm down, I'm trying I swear."

I yell when I strech my side out too far, tears streaming down my face. My efforts to escape are useless, the chains are too strong for me to be able to break out.


"I'm trying."

I look down, realizing there is blood running down my arms and dripping onto the floor.

"Help me!"

"I'm trying to!"

She is still struggling, the water coming up to her chest already. I realize my wrists are completely raw now, blood freely streaming down my arms. The door opens again, someone wraps their arms around me and pulls me back.

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