Chapter 31- Jackson

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The door opens, and we are pulled roughly from the floor. Ravens hand is torn out of mine, bloodied fingers grasping empty air as I try to grab onto her again. She looks drained, having just gone over everything one last time. My head feels fuzzy, that was eighteen years of memories she just showed me for the final time.


Evan grabs me arms, roughly twisting them behind my back and tying them with a coarse rope. Someone has Raven, doing the same to her before we are dragged out into the yard. The air is cold, icy rain pouring down and soaking us within minutes. We are forced to our knees, everyone in our group lined up facing the crowd. Raven turns to look at me, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. Angie, Dan, and Elizabeth are forced down beside us, siblings next to each other. Evan raises his gun, holding it against Dans head. He yells something out, receiving an adoring response from the gathered crowd.

"We have brought in the leaders to those who threaten our existance. Our cities. Our country. And out lives. Your children will sleep safely now!"

He shoots, gunshot ringing out loudly and silencing the crowd. Angie drops her gaze, sobbing silently as the gun is raised to her head. She is shot quickly, and the gun is moved to Raven. I cant move, frozen in place as Evan pulls the trigger. He skips over me, shooting Elizabeth next. I look him dead in the eyes, rain dripping down my face. He presses the gun to my forehead, whispering softly before he pulls the trigger.

"Goodbye brother."

"See you in hell."

I close my eyes, holding my breath until he pulls the trigger.

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