Chapter 20- Raven

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     The pain is unlike anything I have ever felt before, blinding me to anything else. Jackson came back, and he hasn't left since. There are short moments when the pain is manageable enough to sleep, though they don't come often enough.

     "How are you feeling?"

     Jackson lies his hand across my forehead again, pulling me out of my light sleep. I look around, unsure of where we are. He hugs me tighter against him when he sees how confused I am. I lie back again, trying to fight off a fresh wave of pain. I'm not sure how long we sit like this before I fight my way out of his arms, a new flashback driving me to insanity. Whatever Elizabeth gave me is intensifying the effects of the poison, and making me sick. I push myself up as a wave of nausea washes over me, trying not to throw up again. Jackson puts his hand on my shoulder, clearly worried. 

     "Raven, what's going on?"

     My head is spinning, Im unable to see straight. The ground rushes up to meet me as whatever little strength I have in my arms leaves me. I wake up some time later, snuggled against Jacksons side. His arms are tight around me, pressing us together. I lay my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. 

     "Are you up?"


     He sits up carefully, making sure Im okay as he does so. I prop myself up on one elbow, accepting his hand when he offers to help me sit up. My head still aches, but I no longer feel like I'm dying. Jackson hands me a water, not moving more than a few feet away from me at a time. Elizabeth comes back not too long after, stopping when she sees us both awake. Jackson jumps up when he sees her, immediately asking her questions. 

     "Is it over?"

     "I don't know Jackson."

     "You said she would be okay after a few days."

     He sits back by my side, not complaining when I lie my head on his shoulder. Elizabeth doesn't respond to Jackson, trying not to further upset him. I, of course, would be the person to do just that. The searing pain that has been absent for the past few hours returns suddenly. Listening to them argue is making my head hurt, the possible trigger. I tense up, trying to prepare my body for the onslaught of pain that comes next. Jackson notices, though I am trying to hide it. 

     "Look at what you have done to her Elizabeth! She hasn't been able to eat anything in three days and its not getting any better for her."

     The pain only gets worse, increasing with each passing minute. Their yelling is contributing to this immensely. 

     "Shut up both of you! Please."

     "Help her or leave."

     Elizabeth stays, though she makes no move to help me. I press against Jackson, seeking even a small amount of comfort. Neither one of them speaks to the other, though Jackson is trying to talk to me. I'm trying to supress a scream, barely able to breathe.

     "Raven! Can you hear me?"

     I painfully open my eyes, not able to make out much of my surroundings. Jacksons face appears above me, firelight glinting off his face. I start attempting to sit up, limbs feeling heavy.

     "Hey. Don't try to move Raven."

     Everything sounds distant and warped. I lie still again, letting my head drop back. A chorus of other voices join Jackson's, further disorienting me.

     "Are you okay?"

     "What... I dont... What happened?"

     Jackson waves someone over as soon as I speak. Elizabeth runs over to us, dropping by my side.

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