Chapter 21- Jackson

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Raven is still shivering, her small body pressed against mine in an attempt to keep warm. It's snowing again, further worrying me. My hand throbs where I cut it open an hour ago. She rolls over, her face now burried in my chest. I find my fingers tangled in her hair again, I'm stressed. Nothing could have prepared me for what happened this week, the pain I knowingly allowed her to endure.


"I'm still here. What's wrong?"

"Its not over."

"What's not over? Are you feeling okay?"

"Its not over."


"Help me up."

"No, you need to stay here."


She starts moving, struggling up despite my protests. I help her stand, making her lean against me.

"What are you doing?"

"Its not over."

"Yes, its not over. What's not over?"

"Anything. He's coming back. Now. We need to leave."

"Slow down, talk to me."

"We need to go."

"Calm down."

She starts walking away from me, limping severely.


"We need to leave."

"Stop it, calm down."

I grab her arm, trying to make her stop. When she turns back, I can tell it isn't her talking. Her eyes are dull and hollow, breathing even.

"Raven? Come back."

She keeps walking, heading straight off into the trees. I run and wake Elizabeth, asking her for help.

"What's going on?"

"I dont know, its Raven."

"Damn it. What is she doing?"

"Walking. She's over here, stopped walking as soon as I stopped following her."

"We need to go then, now."

"Why? What's going on?"

"Just do it. Im coming with you."

"Shes over here."

We run back over to where Raven is standing, walking just beside her when she moves again.

"She knows where they are."


"I came back this way, from Evan. She found them."

"But how?"

"I cant explain it until I figure out more, but it may be partly due to her gift."

"Which is?"

"I dont know yet. She may have the Sight though."

Raven stumbles back suddenly, crashing into me.

"Help me."

"Raven? What's going on?"

She snaps back up, pushing away from me again. Elizabeth pulls my hands off of Ravens arm, letting her keep walking.

"Just follow her, don't try to stop her."

"What's she doing?"

"Taking us where we need to be."

"Is it safe?"

"Not entirely."

"Can it be stopped?"

"Not reccomended."

"So we follow her until what?"

"Until she stops. Just go with it. Its how I found you guys, her Gift has an especialy strong pull. She must feel the prisoners Evan has."

"How does that work?"

"Ill explain later, I think we're getting close."

Raven stops again, jumping backwards.


She points a shaking finger through a break in the trees, pulling Elizabeth and I down into the thicker bushes.

"What do we do now Raven?"

"I dont know. Where are we?"

"You got up and insisted I follow you. I woke Elizabeth and now here we are."

"Damn it. Its starting again."

"What is?"

"The...the stuff! I dont know what it is or how to stop it."

She is breathing heavily, looking defensive as she tries to quiet down.

"Its okay."

I turn to my sister now, we need to figure out why we are here.

"What should we do?"

"Take some of them out. Extract important people, leave the rest for a better planned mission."

"How many are we pulling?"

"Four of them. My girls where hit hard, but they will make it out alive if we get them back to camp tonight."

"Anything you want from this Raven?"

"Nothing we can do tonight. Besides, not my job in the first place."

"What is it?"

"Your brother. I want him dead. Now is not the time for that though, and I cannot make the final decision."

Elizabeth looks at me questioningly, almost speaking but deciding against it.

"Raven, go with Elizabeth and help her find who we are looking for. Ill trail you at ten yards, and keep the rear. Elizabeth, you take front cover and Raven, you take middle. Weapons ready, be quiet, masks on."

We get ready quickly, the girls have me check their masks before we set off.

"Space out a tad more. Raven, let her get five yards ahead of you."


"Stop if your head starts bothering you again, and ill pull you out."


Elizabeth reaches the edge of her cover, pausing before dashing into the next segment of shadow. Raven follows, at five yards, and makes it safely. I watch them do this a few times, following at my respective distance. My sister waves both of us over, kneeling behind a tree.

"Found them. Raven, take left. Ill take right. Jackson, cover us."

"That works. Let me check your masks one more time before you go."

They let me check everything over one last time before they dash out, sliding in between the prisoners. I watch them closely, Raven passing knives out to the four they cut loose. Elizabeth has to support someone heavily, slowing them down considerably. I run over, keeping low to the ground.

"What are you doing? You're supposed to be covering us!"

"Let me help you."

"Get back to your post!"

A shot rings out suddenly, taking Elizabeth down.


"I didn't get hit. Get her off of me."

It takes me a few seconds to move, finally realizing it is the girl Elizabeth was supporting that got hit. My sister is coated in blood by the time I move again, pulling her out from under the body.

"Where did the rest of them go? Raven!"

"Shut up Jackson! They made it to cover."

"Then lets go. We need to get over there too."

I grab her hand, praying we can make it before someone shoots us too.

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