Chapter 28- Raven

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My ear piece goes off again, most likely Elizabeth. I pause in a pool of shadows, ducking down as a group of guards runs past.

"Raven. Raven, are you getting this?"

A voice finally comes through the piece, the first in a while. Our signals are mostly jammed, the window won't be open for very long.

"Yes. Yes, I'm here."

"The plan has gone to hell, we are loosing people faster than we are taking them out. Can you make it to the next room up the hall? I can see you, be careful of the gyard. I need you to take him out before coming in."

"Yeah, I'm heading over now."

I draw the gun from my hip, holding it out in front of me and crouching as I walk down the hall. The gun is knocked from my hands, an easy distraction for me to gut him with my knife. Elizabeth pulls me into the room, passing the gun back to me.

"We need to go, now."

"And the rest of the team?"

"Already out, dont worry about them."

"I'm not leaving without finishing."

"You need to go now. There are more guards on the way and I'm not letting you die."

"Thats a first."

Elizabeth glares at me, trying to persuade me to leave.

"Now, please. I cant tell him I let you stay."

"You got him out?"


"Then I'm not leaving."

"Yes, you are."

She has her mask off, all I need is for her to inhale a tad bit of the gas to make her pass out. Not the harmful one, rather a mixture meant for knocking out rooms full of people. Jackson and I can grab her on the way out, I just need to find him.

"I'm sorry. We'll pull you out later."


I pull the pin, letting the canister fall off my belt and onto the tile. Elizabeth yells, struggling when I push her against the wall to prevent her from getting her mask back on. Her head dips, eyes closing as she fails to hold her breath for any longer.

"I'm sorry. Ill get you all out, I promise."

I gently set her down, shutting the door half way and running off down the hall. Someone is screaming, an inhuman sound that chills me.

"Let her out!"

At this sound, I stop running. Its Jackson.

"Make it stop Jackson, save her."


"Let her out! Please, shes going to die!"

"Again? How many more times before all ger ribs are broken? That's three already."

"I cant stop them! Please, its not her fault. We didnt do this!"

I hear the sound of a fist striking flesh, followed by a yell of pain. The sound is coming from a slightly ajar door, just to my left. I sprint down the hall, slamming the door open fully amd holding the gun out at arms length.

"Get the fuck away from him!"

Evan turns in surprise, as does Jackson. Someone is banging on the walls of a glass tank, screaming as the water reaches their chest. Its someone a vaguely recognize, my mum.

"Let her out or I'm going to shoot you."

"Kill me."

Jackson yells something at me, going silent when Evan kicks his side again.

"I wasnt thinking something so simple, why would I want you dead so easily?"

Evan laughs at me, noting the shaking of my hands.

"Get away from him and let her out."

He smiles, shaking his head.

"Why would I do that?"

I respond by shooting him, making sure to hit the same spot I can see Jackson has been shot. The smile drops from his face, replaced with a look of confusion. I kick the back of his knee out, making him fall.

"If you're smart, you wont get back up."

Evan doesn't move much more than clutching his hands to his side, attempting to stop the blood.

"Give me the key!"

"What do you hope to accomplish sweetheart?"

"Give it to me!"

I hold the gun up again, adrenaline replacing the fear in my veins.

"Its in his pocket."

Jackson has stopped struggling against the chains holding him, watching with a sad interest as I tear through Evans pockets. I bring my lips to his ear, voice steady.

"You shouldnt have come back."

My fingers close around the key finally, pulling the small brass object out and running over to Jackson.

"Go get her, ill watch him."

Jackson pushes his gun back into my hands, making sure I take it before letting go.

"Shoot through the corners, don't hit her."

I fire off four shots in quick succession, shattering the thick glass panel. Water floods out, glass washing away and scattering with it. My mum falls out as well, lying on her back and breathing heavily.

"Grab me a med kit and help me get them taken care of. Run."

I sstart tearing through cabinets, throwing useless items out until I find a med kit and toss it out to Jackson. He catches it and starts with my mum.

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